National Popular Vote Bill Again Fails to Pass in Oregon

The Oregon legislature is adjourning for the year on March 3. Among the bills that failed to pass are the National Popular Vote Plan bill, and a bill to require presidential candidates to reveal their income tax returns.

There is a fair chance that the National Popular Vote Plan bill will pass in Connecticut soon.


National Popular Vote Bill Again Fails to Pass in Oregon — 11 Comments

  1. Abolish the gerrymander USA EC and USA Senate.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA.

    PR and AppV

  2. Earth Day Humanitarian Project Update

    IP Senator James LeSage (Humanitarian), is making assurances that he will be there on Earth Day as a second group of musicians, stage builders, and that he will bring a chior and parade.

    Earth Day is in less than 60 days and we are all starting to work on the IP Senate Chamber humanitarian project.

    The new International Parliament is a fine example for the use of pure proportional representation PPR on seven simultaneous geographic political levels.

  3. I wonder what would happen if the NPV plan goes through, but then due to a change in party one state leaves. Would all the other states automatically revert back or would they each have to pass a new law?

  4. Good.

    Such an idea is nothing but a backroom attempt to abolish the Electoral College without having to pass a constitutional amendment.

  5. Bob.. Actually it’s the state’s being allowed to allocate their electors however they see fit. Nothing in the constitution mandates a winner take all system like we have now. In fact, the state legislatures can get rid of the popular election and appoint the electors themselves.

  6. NPV — blatant attempted subversion of EPC in 14 Amdt, Sec. 1 —

    having *internal* election results depend on *external* election results

    A 1 [the Prez candidate]
    B 10,000,000 [who detect that *A* is the Anti-Christ of evil]

    A 70,000.000
    B 60,000,000

    A 70,000,001
    B 70,000,000

    [after a zillion recounts and State/Fed court cases 24/7 for weeks/months after the election day)

    Folks can add 12th Amdt ECV estimates.

    See 14 Amdt, Sec. 2 — if 12th Amdt Prez/VP electors are NOT elected.

    Right to vote *denied* / *abridged* ???

    Electing a Prez/VP AIN’T something inter-State compact trivial —

    regardless of the usual suspect constitutional law MORONS.


    Journal of the Joint Committee on Reconstruction

    Major chaos in getting the 14th Amdt proposed —

    after MANY defeats of Secs 1-4 separately.

    NOT shown in the journal — the infamous 1865-1866 Black Codes of the ex-rebel regimes to keep blacks in a de facto state of slavery – having minimal *civil* rights and NO *political* rights.

    IE the 14th Amdt was a last chance to prevent the Civil War from resuming.

    After the major Elephant win in 1866 election — the various Reconstruction Acts and later 15th Amdt.

  8. @ Brandon: Interesting thought. I would presume that if any state left the compact, there would be an insufficient number of electoral votes remaining to make a majority. Thus, it would be up to the remaining states whether to observe the pact among themselves, or withdraw as well.

  9. Here’s another question related to NPV — is a participating state bound to whichever candidate wins the most votes nationally, or does the compact require a candidate to receive an outright majority of the popular vote to trigger its provisions?

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