The New Republic Essay on Whether States Can Use Ballot Access Laws to Force Release of Tax Returns

Matt Ford has this essay in The New Republic, on whether states can keep presidential candidates off the ballot who refuse to release their income tax returns. The piece does not mention the precedent LaRouche v Hannah, 822 SW 2d 632, issued by a unanimous Texas Supreme Court in 1992. That decision says LaRouche could not be kept off the Democratic presidential primary ballot, because to do so would violate Article II of the U.S. Constitution, which sets out the requirements for anyone to serve as president. He was serving a term in federal prison at the time.

Also the article does not mention either Eugene Debs or Vincent Hallinan, presidential candidates in 1920 and 1952. They were both serving time in federal prison at the time of the election, but no state kept them off the ballot for that reason.

Furthermore, the qualifications to run for Congress, listed in Article One, are worded very similarly to the qualifications to run for President in Article Two. Article One says, “No person shall be a representative who shall not have attained the age of twenty five years…”. Article Two says, “No person… shall be eligible to the office of President…who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years.” It defies common sense to think that the states can’t tamper with the Article One qualifications, but they can tamper with the Article Two qualifications.

The article mentions that states are free to choose presidential electors any way they wish. But this confuses the ability of the states to choose electors, with the ability of states to tell the chosen electors whom they can or can’t vote for. The pending cases in federal court from California, Colorado, and Minnesota, over whether states can tell electors how to vote, are dealing with this distinction. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


The New Republic Essay on Whether States Can Use Ballot Access Laws to Force Release of Tax Returns — 3 Comments

  1. What is next ???

    NO ballot access unless a candidate has taken a blood oath to support the Communist Manifesto — to abolish ALL private property???

  2. Yes, I found the confusion of the distinction between choosing electors and telling them who they can vote for to be a disappointing mistake; it undermines the entire article when the author so clearly is looking for a specific angle or conclusion.

  3. The EC mess was slammed together LATE in the 1787 top secret Fed Convention by the elite — based on the ROTTED stuff in 1787 Poland and Germany for choosing the rotted monarchs in such 2 regimes via electoral colleges0

    The EC mess is 1 of the 3 minority rule gerrymander math systems in the ANTI-Democracy USA regime.

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL — H. Reps, Senate, Prez/VP.

    Since 1832 Prez Jackson for Prez/VP — much worse in 1788-1828.

    1787 HACKS were unable to have uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA — due to slavery, property qualif, literacy, etc. tests in the States.

    Count the Const Amdt election reforms since 12th Amdt.

    The life or death BIG Con Amdt election reform happens and peace — OR Civil W-A-R II and mass death, destruction and slavery.

    PR and AppV

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