Libertarian and Constitution Parties Get Boost on Petition Drives by Petitioning at the Polls on May 8

The Libertarian Party of Ohio, and the Constitution Party of North Carolina, are currently working on very difficult petition drives for ballot status in 2018. Both states held primaries on May 8. In both states, volunteers and paid circulators petitioned near polling places. Petitioning at the polls is one of the best methods for getting lots of valid signatures on a single day.

Libertarians in Ohio got at least 1,500 volunteer signatures, and probably between 1,000 and 2,000 paid signatures, on primary day.

Constitution Party workers in North Carolina got 500 signatures on primary day.

The North Carolina Constitution Party needs 11,778 valid signatures. It has been turning in signatures and election officials are validating them. The party has 10,500 valid signatures already and there are 2,500 waiting to be checked. The deadline is May 16. Assuming the drive succeeds, this will be the largest requirement that the Constitution Party has met in any state since 2012, when it overcame the New York requirement of 15,000.

The Ohio Libertarian Party needs 54,965 valid signatures. Ohio won’t let parties turn in any signatures until the drive is finished. Assuming the drive succeeds, this will be the biggest job the Libertarian Party has done in any state since 2008, when it overcame the North Carolina requirement of 69,734.


Libertarian and Constitution Parties Get Boost on Petition Drives by Petitioning at the Polls on May 8 — 2 Comments

  1. I’ve read that the Ohio LP estimates that, on petitions gathered, they have around a 62% validity rate, and that’s why they haven’t yet turned in, even though they have well over 54K raw signatures. I would have hoped for more signatures, but it’s also likely the case that this particular batch of signatures will have a much higher validity rate.

  2. Separate and unequal ballot access laws in most States.

    Too many MORON USELESS so-called lawyers who never heard about Brown v Bd of Ed 1954 —

    NOT brought up in Williams v Rhodes 1968
    — the first MORON ballot access case
    — followed by hundreds more MORON cases
    — by hundreds of those MORON lawyers and much worse MORON hack judges
    — esp in SCOTUS.

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