Democratic National Committee May Pass Rule Requiring Individuals who Seek Presidential Nomination to Declare They are a Member of the Party

A committee of the Democratic National Committee has approved a rule that says anyone seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for president must declare that he or she is a Democrat. See this story.

This is somewhat ironic, given that the Alaska Democratic Party went to court to establish its ability to nominate an independent. Thanks to Thomas Jones for the link.


Democratic National Committee May Pass Rule Requiring Individuals who Seek Presidential Nomination to Declare They are a Member of the Party — 2 Comments

  1. BLOOD oaths, LIE detectors, life histories on videotape, must pass a Donkey quiz on Donkey history for centuries and the current Donkey Platform, etc. to detect TRUE Donkeys ???

    NO primaries, NO caucuses, NO conventions

    — send ALL of the robot party hack stuff for 6,000 plus years to the history JUNK pile.

    PR and AppV

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