The New Mexico Constitution Party has submitted a petition to regain its party status. It is the only party that submitted such a petition this year, and the deadline has now passed.
Other qualified parties in New Mexico are Democratic, Republican, Libertarian, Green, Independent American, and Better for America.
But no Constitution Party candidates filed, and that deadline has also passed.
Pluralist psychology by the Constitution, Libertarian, Green and others, almost always brings them failure because their effect under pluralism simply cements the two party system time after time in every case.
Instead of fighting for ballot access rights, freedoms and liberties for the 100%, they choose a biased path when they only work for one word.
Instead us fighters for ballot access should be fighting for equal time and equal treatment for the whole.
The United Coalition has made pure proportional representation the goal for everyone now for twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works perfectly fine.
They just wanted to make certain they locked in ballot access for the 2020 presidential election. My guess is they are fairly satisfied with the GOP gubernatorial nominee.
How many signatures did they submit?
The New Mexico Constitution Party submitted slightly over 4,000 signatures. The requirement is 2,565.