Pennsylvania Green Party Submits Petition for Ballot Access

On July 31, the Pennsylvania Green Party submitted petitions for its nominees for all three statewide offices, and three legislative candidates. See this story. Assuming the petition is valid, this will be the first time since 2002 that the Green Party has been on in a gubernatorial election year.


Pennsylvania Green Party Submits Petition for Ballot Access — 4 Comments

  1. The national campaigns for POTUS being coordinated by the United Coalition USA between Libertarian Party and Green Party candidates will be ignored by the party bosses like in 2016, 2012 and all POTUS campaigns which proceeded those years.

    That’s because political party bosses are protecting the concept that their party bosses alone have all the answers and so that they oppose all candidates outside their own party (and independents).

    The political parties suffer from the same problems with division and conflict with all others every year and nothing will change unless PPR is guaranteed in an unbiased message of mathematical unity.

    The United Coalition USA had been uniting the 100% under pure proportional representation (PPR) for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.

    Click on “About” in the International Parliament’s home page top navigation bar to read a brief historical record about the United Coalition USA that the party bosses and Google don’t want you to know:

  2. It will nice to finally be able to have a real choice on Election Day! I’m proud of the Libertarian and Green Parties, and hope other parties will soon get better organized in PA.

  3. The Libertarian Party did this on the 29th. 3 statewide candidates (US Senate – Governor – Lt. Governor), 3 Congressional candidates, 1 State Senate candidate, and 10 legislative candidates.

  4. 40 percent statewide/local winners in Nov — getting 100 percent of POWER???

    Stay tuned.

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