California Republican Party Leader Ray Haynes Defends the National Popular Vote Idea

Ray Hanyes, a California Republican legislator 1992 through 2002, here defends the National Popular Vote Pact against criticisms from other Republicans.


California Republican Party Leader Ray Haynes Defends the National Popular Vote Idea — 3 Comments

  1. NPV — communist Donkey gerrymander scheme to subvert 14-1 —

    votes OUTSIDE a State determining results inside such State.

    Const Amdt —

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA.

    PR and AppV

  2. One of the main reasons for the Electoral College that folks seem to forget was so that the eventual president would never have had to campaign. Thus, he would owe no political debts, either financial or favors. Now, most states prohibit the names of presidential elector candidates from even appearing on the ballot. It’s all upside down! Restore, don’t abolish, the EC by going with 538 individual presidential elector districts and have the individual PE candidates out campaigning for their own votes. Then, the winning PEs should meet in a single location in conference (college) and discuss the merits of the various party presidential nominees and narrow-down their votes. This is known as the VERTICAL separation of powers; the three branches of government being the horizontal separation.

  3. JB —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 (270 of 538) rigged EC gerrymander districts = 25 or less percent CONTROL (since 1832 repeat 1832) = OLIGARCHY.

    Abolish the super-time bomb late DARK AGE Prez/VP Electoral College scheme from Hell — loved by the small and slave States in 1787-1789.

    Count the about 750,000-1,000,000 DEAD in 1861-1865 due to the minority rule election of Lincoln in 1860.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA

    PR – LEGIS

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