
New York Times Carries Lengthy Story about Green Party — 2 Comments

  1. How many $$$ billions from Elephants —

    to guess what — DIVIDE AND CONQUER the Donkeys ???

  2. The United Coalition has unified Environmentalists, Democratics and Libertarians since 1993 and in 1997 Google founder Sergio Brin cut a deal with California Green Party internet liaison bully Cameron Spritzer to try to make sure that the unity gets snuffed out.

    We lost a lot but we’re still alive.

    The bosses destroyed the Ralph Nader, Mary Ruwart and Roseanne Barr candidacies and these same bosses will continue to self destruct over and over as long as plurality elections exist.

    The United Coalition USA has a better idea and we’ve won many small victories despite the pluralist bosses, because our team uses parliamentary procedures under pure proportional representation (PPR), and our message is designed for attracting the 100%.

    Our team guarantees that should our opposite gender win 33.33% (plus one vote) in 2020, then that person will be on our team as President or Vice President, of the United Coalition USA.

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