Puerto Rico Independence Party Back on the Ballot

On May 13, the Puerto Rico Election Commission ruled that the Independence Party is again a ballot-qualified party. The party had failed to poll 3% for Governor last year, so it had to complete a petition of 5% of the number of registered voters. The Commission ruled that the party’s petition has enough valid signatures. See this article in the Latin American Herald Tribune. Thanks to Bill Van Allen for the link.


Puerto Rico Independence Party Back on the Ballot — No Comments

  1. More “Americans” whom can not vote for the Presidential candidates every four years. God bless the unconstitutional, illegal global imperial fascism empire!
    [DC, PR, Virgin Islands, Gaum, American Samoa, and various Pacific Islands!] We are not all that special and not all that different than Britain, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Belgium, Greece, Roma, France…..

    —— Donald Raymond Lake

  2. A way of saving tax money–an independent Puerto Rico. We keep only the military defense there and they take over all the rest. Sounds good to me!

  3. The Puerto Rico Independence Party believes that Puerto Rico should be an independent country. The Alaskan Independence Party was founded by Joe Vogler, who wanted Alaska to be an independent country. But most members of the Alaskan Independence Party are not explicitly for that idea.

    Terminology is confused in the U.S. around that word “Independence”. The Independence Parties of Minnesota and New York are not at all about secession of their states from the U.S., so “Independence” as a party label in the U.S. is a confusing word.

  4. In every election is the same. Puerto Rico’s Independence party only gets about 5% or sometimes 3% or 2% of the popular vote. In the 50s it had about 7%… since then it gets less and less votes in every election and after every election it has to be re-register again. Puerto Rico’s independece party is mostly a group of intelectuals. Most of them are friedly to Latin American’s left wing parties including Daniel Ortega, Fidel Castro and Chavez. That is the reason why they do not get more votes. With 50% of the Puertoricans living in the Main Land and 100% of Puertoricans US Citizens it is very difficult to sell their case. Their main defense its the puertorican and hispanic culture to repel the complete annexation of Puerto Rico as a US State.

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