North Carolina Congressional Districts Again Struck Down as a Partisan Gerrymander

On August 27, a 3-judge U.S. District Court again struck down North Carolina’s U.S. House districts as an unconstitutional gerrymander. Common Cause v Rucho, m.d., 1:16cv-1026. Judge James Wynn, an Obama appointee, wrote the decision. Judge W. Earl Britt, a Carter appointee, signed it. They wrote that the Constitution prohibits any redistricting that is deliberately designed to help one particular party and injure another party.

The same panel had early this year come to a similar decision. Then the state had appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which sent the case back with instructions to re-do it.

Judge William Osteen, Jr., a Bush Jr. appointee, agreed with the other two judges that the North Carolina districts are unconstitutional, because the partisanship in that plan is so extreme. But he also wrote that the Constitution does not prohibit all partisan gerrymandering.

The decision invites the legislature, which is in session, to redraw the districts. Because the primary has already been held, the opinion suggests that the general election could be changed so that filing is re-opened and individuals would run without being party nominees. The same remedy has sometimes been used in Texas, when redistricting was struck down after the primary was over. The decision notes that the North Carolina legislature had created a similar system this year for state judicial elections. Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


North Carolina Congressional Districts Again Struck Down as a Partisan Gerrymander — 12 Comments

  1. Multiple alerts for SCOTUS hacks on *vacation* —

    esp for 3 judge USA courts in election cases – just before General Election DAYS.

    Basic PR —

    PM = PV x TM / TV

    Solve for P+T and M+V

    Difficult only for SCOTUS and ALL the math M-O-R-O-N lawyers in gerrymander cases since 1964 —

    mere 54 years and counting.

    Mere 5 more JUNK SCOTUS gerrymander cases earlier in 2018.

  2. For any new gerrymander math dummies on this list —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged packed/cracked gerrymander areas

    = 1/4 or less CONTROL = robot party hack OLIGARCHY — with TYRANT HACK monarch *leaders*

    — much worse primary math —

    REAL minority rule — perhaps 5-15 percent.

    IT SHOWS — USA UN-declared WARS since 1798, insane annual deficits since 1930, super-insane national debt 1929-2018, insane foreign trade debt since 1982, intentional destruction of dollar purchasing power since 1933, ongoing destruction of States esp. since 1936.

    — nonstop MONSTERS in DEVIL City — since 1789/1801 —

    earlier USA – mass murder / genocide of American Indian tribes, slavery in territories – later States, destruction of eco-systems in many territories.

    Thus — Democracy vs TYRANNY (HACK monarchs/oligarchs)–

    once again in 6,000 plus years in many regimes.

    PR and AppV

  3. As a former Libertarian POTUS candidate from 2012 United Coalition USA team, I have switched to Green Party and I like the potential with Heather Horst [Libertarian] for President with me on as her VP.

    Men, our team is looking for good candidates of our opposite gender, our plan for consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter, for President and Vice President.

  4. The North Carolina legislature seems to have gone “rogue” in regard to court decisions and ballot access over the last few years.

  5. NC

    black communist Donkeys vs white fascist Elephants

    NC – Prez/Vp Nov 2016

    2,362,631 R
    2,189,316 D
    189,617 Other
    4,741,564 TOTAL

    FEC- Fed Elections 2016, p.6

    13 NOT so lucky USA Rep gerrymander districts —

    AKA political concentration camps — borders on maps
    — so far — NOT YET having barbed wire fences and mine fields
    See nazi cc — liberated the very hard way — in 1944-1945.

    PR and AppV

  6. The timing by the 2 HACK Donkey *JUDGES* is very EVIL cute

    — about 70 days before the 2018 election Day.

    — with the standard 45 days needed for overseas ballots

    — result CHAOS / TOTAL CORRUPTION — part of the EVIL Donkey master plan.


  7. Pure proportional representation (PPR) sets an equal threshold for individual winners from all parties and independents, and that equality, is part of how the mathematical unity of PPR works.

    The United Coalition USA has been using parliamentary procedures under PPR for more than twenty-three consecutive years and PPR works fine.

    The Unity Platform USA

    Bill of Rights for Voting Equality

    Opposite gender #1 with consecutively ranked alternating genders thereafter.

    Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
    * * *

    The United Coalition USA need not react to pluralists with frustration because we practice by looking in the mirror at our own team rather than wasting time crying over pluralism.

    No single winner names nor decision items permitted under PPR. Only multiples of two or more simultaneously to attain team psychology. No exceptions.

  8. 2018 SCOTUS gerrymander cases —

    Gill v. Whitford, 16-1161 WI – JUNK Op, 585 U.S. ___ (2018)

    Benisek v. Lamone, 17-333 MD – JUNK Op, 585 U.S. ___ (2018)

    Abbott v. Perez, 17-586 TX – JUNK Op, 585 U.S. ___ (2018)

    North Carolina v. Covington, 17-1364 NC – JUNK Op, 585 U.S. ___ (2018)

    Harris v. Cooper, 16-166 NC – JUNK Affirmed, 585 U.S. ___ (2018) (Order)

    5 Math MORON Strikes and O-U-T.

    2 of 5 from NC.

    Too many gerrymander math MORONS to count — esp. ALL 9 SCOTUS super-MORONS.

    Another MORON coming to replace ex-MORON ???

    PR and AppV

  9. In Texas in 1996 and 2006 this was done after the SCOTUS affirmed a district court decision. The special elections were only held in the districts that were changed by the court decision, and used the procedure that Texas used for special elections for Congress. Texas also uses a runoff in its Top-2 like elections.

    Presumably the SCOTUS will want to review the standing decisions of the district court. They never got to the merits of the case in ‘Gill v Whitford’, and this is even more true in North Carolina where they accepted the case simply to tell the district court to reconsider its decision.

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