Missouri Lower State Court Retains Initiative on Ballot Despite Charge that Circulators Were Not Always Present When Signatures were Gathered

On August 31, a Missouri trial court ruled that a statewide initiative should be on the ballot, even though opponents of that initiative charged that many of the signatures were obtained without a circulator present at the time. Some of the sheets were fastened to bulletin boards so that passers-by could sign, even though no circulator was physically present. The judge ruled that the Missouri Supreme Court ruled in 1978 that initiatives cannot be disqualified on that basis; if the petition was signed by the required number of registered voters, it should be on the ballot. See this story. The case is Bradshaw v Ashcroft, Cole Co., 18AC-cc320. Thanks to Ken Bush for the link.


Missouri Lower State Court Retains Initiative on Ballot Despite Charge that Circulators Were Not Always Present When Signatures were Gathered — 1 Comment

  1. Individual sig forms —

    I want candidate A (address) for office B / Issue C on the D date election ballots.

    Sig, name, address, date signed.

    STOP the HACKS at ALL costs.

    The HACKS (with their CONTROL FREAK agendas) now are NO different than the German HUNS in Aug 1914 or the German NAZIS in Sep 1939.

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