Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune Op-Ed Writer, Advocates Letting Voters Sign Multiple Petitions for the Same Office

Some states, including Illinois, do not permit voters to sign a general election petition for more than one candidate for the same office. Eric Zorn, op-ed writer for the Chicago Tribune, here says the law should be amended to let voters sign for multiple candidates for the same office. Thanks to Bill Redpath for the link.


Eric Zorn, Chicago Tribune Op-Ed Writer, Advocates Letting Voters Sign Multiple Petitions for the Same Office — 7 Comments

  1. In NY a voter can’t sign a general election petition if they signed a primary petition either. The real crumby thing is the primary petition period is a month before the general petition period for independents. So they get first pickings and any independent candidates have to make sure the person didn’t already sign one of the primary ones.

  2. The absurdity is the large number of signatures that are required (about 2.5% of the votes cast in the 2015 mayoral election) and that they may be collected from voters who most likely will not vote. In addition petitions must be filed three months before the election.

    Illinois should adopt the system used in Zambia where supporters of candidates go to government offices where their registration can be easily checked. A more manageable number would be 1/10 of 1% of the votes cast in the previous election. For Chicago this would be 480 (or 574 if the runoff is used). The deadline could be 5 weeks before the election (the runoff is 5 weeks after the general election), so clearly they can prepare ballots in that time period.

    Illinois could also let voters register at the time they show up to support the candidate.

    Alternatively, the number of voters could be based on some number of candidates. For example, if there are more than 10 candidates who reach the 0.1% threshold, the 10 most-supported candidates could qualify.

    If fewer than 5 candidates candidates who qualify then the five candidates with the most support would qualify (there might be a secondary threshold in case fewer than five candidates qualify).

    For ward alderman (Chicago has 50 wards), the number of supporters would vary from 5 to 19.

  3. SECRET petition sigs for the same reason as SECRET ballots —

    petition sigs now one more PURGE list —

    in the now mega data collection on all folks by the EVIL powers that be.


  5. This is Edward Hudson, I have an E-Mail ready to send Eric Zorn about a bad scamming using the Stop at the Stop-Sign Law having a Sheila Sliwoski (SS) in her 1988 jeep after fast driving into an intersection were I drove my Corvette into, from it’s low seating, seeing no close vehicles in the elevated area of the intersection, while I was stopped at the Stop-Sign at the intersection. Vehicles in the Westbound lane driving up to the intersection, I felt I should give further time for any unseen vehicles. When none showed I drove my car over the Westbound lane to turn left on the Eastbound lane to drive on. Unfortunately (SS) arrived in her car and saw me moving into the intersection and thought I should stop for her but my car then was blocking her lane and slamming her brakes to slow the car. I kept driving until I reached and turned left into the Eastbound lane and thought no accident would be. But (SS) was there and rammed her car at 30 mph into the left front of my Corvette with the right big bumper of her jeep with great damage to the Corvette but no damage to the jeep. There is much you need to know. (SS) into it

  6. They did take my writing and before responding, I received a call from “Ms. Rosangela French” saying she was the Claim Rep. and could not pay anything for an accident caused by a driver who didn’t stop at the [SS], and Mr. Hudson you didn’t, this is a rule if you don’t, (SS) can after that, rule the street and do with you as she wants. I said back to Madame French as nice as I could, this is America and the rule is everyone’s obligation is to avoid an accident by any human means whether it’s (SS) or who. I came out of this with a very likely “there was a scam for money in the [SS] by this accident’s way is going about. I now refer to it as “Frenchey’s Vigilantism Intrigue” (FVI) America’s new (FBI), (SS) is a Disciple for when she saw (ECH) ran the [SS] by not stopping for her. The (FVI) controlled and everything was to smash the car (1) and (ECH) with (SS)’s 1988 Jeep and that high heavy steel bumper on it, the (ECH) left front side by (SS)’s right front side at 25 MPH to damage car and me. She couldn’t hit me in the side crossing the Westbound lane like she could me moving straight at her so when I turned left into the Eastbound lane (SS) steered her car, that witness (1) saw, into my car (1) just that way. Witness 106 cleaned up the debris in the Eastbound, 4 days from it later. Obviously (SS) first in the Westbound lane had to illegally cross the double lines in the center of Grove St. on a curve into the opposite direction of the Eastbound lane to hit car (1) head-on, this is 4 or 5 illegalities for the [SS] thing, big deal for (FVI). Not only have I rubbed out the last two high lighted sentences involving witness 1 Diane Trembley who could only see me go slowly by the [SS] and then stay long enough to see (SS) car (2) hit (ECH) car (1) but not see the few seconds that I stayed over the white stripe from the [SS] on Ring St. in Fig. 6. That was to see no vehicles going East or West before entering Grove St, so her blab about (ECH) not stopping at the [SS] is pure woman stuff like Eric knows it. Later when I checked the damage of my Corvette I found it was hit on the left half of the front by the right side of (SS)’s Jeep bumper. When I told witness 1 Diane this, she told me that was right as (SS) steered car (2) right at me to do just that. Before this when I did get moving and out in the (iR-G) westbound lane I did sense a vehicle coming to my left that looks to be slowing and I know it’s Westbound. This is because now with my cat-a-ract’s out I then had very near 180 degree view now and could sense a vehicle to the left or right, but the usual 5 seconds crossing the Westbound lane to enter the Eastbound lane, I kept moving. The on coming vehicle at 25 MPH needed 12 seconds to were I was crossing so I didn’t stop to get out of the Westbound lane to prevent an accident. Of course you see (SS) got angry because (ECH) didn’t stop for (SS). Of course as Eric knows a little girl was killed by a man that brought on the [SS], so why not women kill as many men as they can in the [SS], like having the (FVI) urging (SS) doing it to (ECH). That is one thing but there is another, don’t leave out the scam for money, this is Karl Rove’s America and money just like Mark Hanna’s, rules this way. So where is the (ICo)’S scam now in [SS], without inflated premiums income, but money is money. In America’s foundation there was a certain one of Insurance, Ben Franklin who saw the value of citizen’s wealth, premiums paid in good times and (ICo)’s pay out for desperate times. If no inflation of Premiums for scamming then find a way not to pay the desperate part out of the (ICo)’s, from not obeying [SS] deemed causing an accident, even to cause death. My desperation stays in the (ICo)’s, for scam money. We know from Fig. (1&2) there is increases in accident’s and death’s. One critical item, Sheila Sliwoski (SS) an immigrant, has an International driver’s license, that can’t be used in Canada or Mexico but (KR) has immigrated masses in to America that can. Driver’s should be wary of this. I know about Al Capone and Eliot Ness and the “untouchables” in the Prohibition, what of [SS] and Ed Hudson and Eric Zorn to put together an Eliot Ness and the “untouchables” to take Karl Rove (KR) out just like Al Capone was. In the accident I lost $8,000 in my car, I could drive it 3 houses to my garage but the cop made me pay $120 to the largest car o

  7. Edward Hudson having sent two items before,this is first. I wish now to go further because this mainly womanly thing the stop at the Stop Sign [SS] has gotten into the Insurance Companies (ICo)’s means to provide scamming money that all of America needs to be aware of. Beginning with pres. George H.W. Bush (1989 to 1993) and continuing with pres. George W. Bush and Karl Rove (KR) who elected and re-elected their (KR) controlled Administration (Adm.) (2001 to 2009) both have used the (ICo)’s for scamming money by having inflating Premium’s along with lower cost of lower accidents, allowing excess profits and larger scamming. Around (2007) the Geico (ICo) was at lowering premium’s so the scamming through the (ICo)’s following needed a new source so (KR) needed a new scam through the (ICo)’s. There are increased accidents starting 2015 and increasing, I think more scamming is needed by (KR). Read what I send, there is more.
    This is page (1of4) going out to all people in the world who seek to scam Edward C. Hudson Jr by “lying, stealing, and otherwise” which has become the trait since pres. George H. W. Bush fired Karl Rove (KR) from his re-election Campaign and (KR) went scamming his way into Gov. Bill Clinton’s Campaign. It continues now with Trump and tariffs following Mark Hanna (MH) and Wm. McKinley followed by (KR), both to steal and scam from the 99% to give to the Top 1%. This changed America’s foundation of not scamming any citizen in U.S. Democracy, and Capitalism before 1861, the 1st Gilded Age. Our foundation renewed starting the 20th century by Pres. Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Gerald Ford-council Greenspan, then back to the now 2nd Gilded Age I call “Feutalism”. I want everyone to know I have a good record and will fight to stop this combo of [(MH)-(KR)] to renew Americas foundation back.

    A) I was Born in Md. I was the oldest of three children, two boys and one girl, as big brother and none of us ever got seriously hurt growing up. You can imagine big brother wasn’t liked all the time by little brother and sister, but love and health did abound all around. After High School, I knew I wasn’t moving in the right direction, so I enlisted in the “Air Force” to try Piloting, but when I arrived at “Basic Training” the Sargent there said, try “a career” now and the other later. I was just off the chicken farm and didn’t know much, so I asked “what’s a career”. I think the Sargent was human, he said “an Air Force Schooling to learn what you can do” here or later. I asked what was best, and he said “Electronics”, I gave a nod and he signed me up. I think back to then as dumb as I was, to get Electronics, the Sargent must have thought I wasn’t that dumb to ask the questions I did and my career in the Air Force during the Korean War as Radar Tech and after worked well for me.
    B) I would go further now as my new direction put me far more than I imagined beside knowing well my continuing as an American, not just saying it but to continue doing it. I couldn’t have asked better than to understand and be in-charge of a two segment Radar and Computer Tracking device to care of, after my schooling at Keesler AFB, then first going to Fort Walton, Florida. Now to ever be on a mission guiding aircraft to their targets, the first being B-52’s for bombing runs to their targets in the “Gulf of Mexico”. We did well but Korea and Germany needed our touch and I was sent to southern Germany for my last two years with the Air Force for missions close to East Germany, but my last year was spent further north in Germany for missions there. I had never missed a mission, but it came about in a mission dis-function in the Radar control wall of drawers, the one containing the “J-Scopes”. A missed mission wasn’t tolerated and I set about to cure it as I felt it was in the scopes inner face not having the needed very high “Aquadag Voltage” to clean the electrons to show us aircraft distance. I kept the whole Radar going to see the cure of the scopes giving us needed information. I pulled the scope drawer out enough to put my bare hand and arm into the lower wire and connection section to feel out the lose wire. I did and pushed it on to it’s connection, the scopes came alive to complete our mission, but I also got about “750 aquadag volts” through my finger, up my arm, and further in to knock me to the floor where I did stay alive to urge my group to be careful, don’t shake it off, it might come apart until we can shut down. The Air Force wanted to keep me as I was near my 5th stripe, a Tech Sargent but I wanted the University of Md. and a BSEE. I finally found time and a copy of my DD form 214 and high lighted in yellow the Medal’s I received for my service to my country. I am proud of both Medal’s but the first, that of Gen. Eisenhower’s creating in 1953 a Medal worded “National Defense Service” medal for special times, of special things, by special people that can be an alternate or equivalent to the “Medal of Honor” for modern times. I now am so proud, I call mine “The Eisenhower Medal”, and I hope the Eisenhower’s won’t mind. Believe me I am equally as proud of the second, that of “Good Conduct” medal, would I want it otherwise as an American Veteran, the Air Force, during The Korean War.
    The first part I wanted you to get, didn’t go, take it now please.

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