Eighth Circuit Says “Disobedient” Minnesota Presidential Elector Filed His Lawsuit Too Late, so Case is Moot

On September 12, the Eighth Circuit issued a 7-page opinion in Abdurrahman v Dayton, 16-4551. This is the case in which a Minnesota Democratic presidential elector challenged the law that said he was unseated as an elector when he refused to vote for Hillary Clinton in the electoral college. The Court said he should have filed his lawsuit in November 2016, but because he didn’t file until December 19, 2016, his case is moot. The oral argument had been six months ago; it is peculiar that it took so long for such a simple outcome. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news.

Two similar cases on this issue are still alive. They are from Colorado and Washington.


Eighth Circuit Says “Disobedient” Minnesota Presidential Elector Filed His Lawsuit Too Late, so Case is Moot — 5 Comments

  1. Again – past / current injury the second the Complaint was filed.

    Moot ONLY IF the law involved is legally repealed retroactively

    — too many time MORONS in the courts to count — esp in TIME related election law cases.

    Due to the New Age turtle speed of election law cases-

    must claim $$$ damages and future repeats.

  2. Good Democratics and good Republicans are actually working together today on a world utity phenomena by using pure proportional representation (PPR).

    All parties and independents are involved.

  3. I want to apologize for my patient Mr. Ogle spamming your page. He has many grand illusions and fantasies of which I am trying to help him deal with on his own without bothering others. He also has memory problems, as in forgetting what year elections are held.

    Mr, Ogle, do not forget you have an appointment tomorrow at 10AM.

  4. Everyone, we can see that the Green Party campaign for POTUS will be an interesting one with my opponent from the primary already competing here by trying to degrade and slander rather than unite.

    You can imagine how much worse the nature of the harassment can be when political slander is in person and gets physical, especially male on female, since women are of smaller build.

    As a digital United Coalition USA, the thirty-five years of experience with the Environmentalist Party and Libertarian Party unity, we’ve came a long way thanks to the teamwork.

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