New York State Court Keeps Democratic Party Nominee for Amherst Town Clerk Off Ballot

On October 25, the Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court agreed with the lower court, and kept the Democratic nominee for Amherst Town Clerk off the ballot. Cox v Spoth, 18-1945, 4th district. Here is the three-page opinion. The party nominated by party meeting, but the meeting should have involved the new Democratic town committee, and instead the nomination had been made by the old party town committee. Thanks to Joe Burhs for the link.


New York State Court Keeps Democratic Party Nominee for Amherst Town Clerk Off Ballot — 10 Comments

  1. Armies of lawyers required in NY for *legal* nominations due to the gerrymander HACK monsters in the NY legislature ???

    What percent of the reported court opinions in NY involve election machinations

    — dating back to 1776 or earlier ???

    NO caucuses, primaries and conventions.

    Equal nominating petitions / filing fees

    ONE election day.

    PR and AppV.

  2. There was an oddity in timing. The position became vacant 5 days after the primary. A new Democratic County committee was elected at the primary. Because the vacancy in the office of town clerk occurred after the primary the party had to make a nomination by committee (otherwise the nomination would have been made at the primary). The Democratic Party contended that they did not have time to organize and make a nomination (court decisions makes such an exception). The court noted that the Democratic party could have organized the day after the primary as the Republican and Conservative party committees did. That is, any injury to the Democratic party was due to its own sloth and dereliction.

    It appears that the town committee is a subcommittee of the county committee.

    There is no reason to have partisan nominations for any office, let alone for town clerk. It is time to end the state of con-fusion and adopt Top 2.

  3. See that CA Poll — perhaps a mere coming 25 percent NON-votes for USA Senator

    — due to the EVIL ROTTED top 2 primary — ie 2 RED communist Donkey *choices* for USA Senator in Nov 2018.

    ONE election day.

    PR and AppV

  4. Top two disenfranchises voters who want to vote for minor party members in the election itself.

  5. Thankfully the United Coalition USA is working diligently for pure proportional representation (PPR) which brings fair ballot access and vote counting to not just minor parties, but independent individuals too.

    Honourable California Libertarian Party State Exec Mark Herd [Libertarian] is reportedly bringing PPR (he coined the acronym PPR too) to the Venice Beach Libertarians in 2019.

    Top two wrecks havoc to the United Coalition California and now the United Coalition California is bringing PPR to the Electoral College. Not Top Two, pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College.

    Test the signup form to be an Elector for free”

  6. Maybe they were’t old enough to vote at the time of the primary. Maybe they weren’t citizens at the time of the primary and only became a citizen since the primary. Maybe they didn’t live in that district or state at the time of the primary. Maybe they didn’t know anything about the minor party candidate at the time of the primary but by the time of the general they were enthusiastic about the candidate.

  7. The United Coalition USA has correctly prohibited single-winner districts for both names and decision-items for more than fifteen years.

    We like the two-winner district and that is acceptable. What isn’t acceptable is the single-winner election that follows.

    Our team will target the Top Two voting system for being ended/terminated/replaced and we are 100% opposed to all single-winner elections wherever they exist including state and federal elections.

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