Michael Feinstein, in Fox & Hounds, Calls for California Legislative Hearings on Top-Two

Michael Feinstein, former Mayor of Santa Monica, has this Fox & Hounds opinion piece calling on the California legislature to hold hearings on the top-two system. As the column points out, the legislature passed the measure in 2009 without holding any legislative hearings on the bill.


Michael Feinstein, in Fox & Hounds, Calls for California Legislative Hearings on Top-Two — 21 Comments

  1. ANY body in CA, other than RW, ever hear about PR and AppV – pending Condorcet ???

    Esp so-called *moderate* Donkeys — if any still exist

    — in the CA soviet socialist republic — CASSOR ???

    The current gerrymander MONSTERS in the CA legislature obviously LOVE the top 2 primary —

    it put and keeps them in POWER.

    NO primaries.

    PR and AppV

  2. How about switching to non-partisan elections for the legislature? California has used such elections for county supervisors and city council elections for over a century.

  3. @DR,

    What is “pending Condorcet”?

    Explain how you would elect the California senate using PR?

  4. Answered both in earlier postings.

    VERY Sorry that many folks have 0.000001 second or less attention spans — about like the current Prez.

    Partisan stuff — see Federalist No. 10 by Madison — about like the Sun rising and setting.

  5. The United Coalition USA has been working to unite all parties and independents since 1986 when Ronald Reagan’s campaign manager Sue Hutchinson invited us the Clint’s tea party in Carmel which I attended.

    Then in 1993 the first ballot qualified Green Kevin Clark accessed the ballot for US Congress along with the Environmentalist (myself, categorised as independent), and Kevin is still my best friend as he is Green Libertarian, and we are still united with Libertarians since Russian computer scientist Igor Chudov helped google’s company in 1997.

    We have used the correct math since 1992 thanks to the Peace and Freedom mathematician Mike Ossipoff who brought the Hagenbach-Bischoff method for pure proportional representation.

    We have been working closely across party lines ever since, expanding the team in 1994, and in 2020 we are collaborating under the perfection of pure proportional representation (POR) despite the vicious opposition of Mike Feinstein as spokesperson of California Green Party since 1994 when the Green Party bosses tried to snuff our voices out by viciously campaigning against our team, having our vote counter removed as elected Director of Citizens for Proportional Representation (CPR) and thus defeating our candidacy for Governor of California by none of the above (NOTA).

    All is forgiven.

    It’s time that the United Coalition USA turn our focus on the 2020 PPR Electoral College.

    We will bring the Libertarian candidates to the Green Party in 2019 and seal the unity of President and Vice President.

    Two names, candidates for President and Vice President, to be elected by the United Coalition USA on Earth Day 2020 in Monterey California at Window by the Bay Park at 4 pm.


  6. Nice work, Demo Rep! You finally have a chance to explain yourself to Jim Riley is complete sentences and regular grown up stuff and you pass it up! What a MORON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Jim Riley “How about switching to non-partisan elections for the legislature?”

    Anyone who pays attention knows what party they affiliate with.

  8. @DR,

    I had missed your explanation of Pending Condorcet. See my follow-up in the Riverside thread.

    I don’t believe you explained how you would handle the California Senate proportionally. Let’s say that Feinstein’s proposed hearing happened, and you were invited to give testimony. What would you tell the hearing.

  9. @YA Jim,

    Candidates would not have to make such a blatant appeal.such that they became caricatures.

  10. JR, having elections non-partisan isn’t a good idea because that would trim back free speech liberties. A political party (or independent) is a free speech word to help give the voter more information about the name when the voter is within the voting booth. So to remove or change the free speech word by the candidates name would be a setback for free speech for the candidate and for the voter too.

  11. To clarify, the reason why Clint Eastwood got the idea to run for Mayor of Carmel and the reason why he contacted Ronald Reagan and hired Ronald’s campaign manager Sue Hutchinson to be his campaign manager was likely because Ronald made the suggestion.

    That’s because the Environmentalist Party had already been running Environmentalist Party candidates in high profile campaigns where we called for bringing back the environment and to save the world.

    Clint Eastwood, Ronald Reagan and Sue Hutchinson were inspired by the founding of the Environmentalist Party of America. Not the Green Party of Germany.

  12. PR — pending Condorcet — APPLIES TO ALL LEGIS BODIES.


    Demo Rep on September 16, 2018 at 3:17 pm
    Talking to current gerrymander MONSTERS about Democracy BASIC reforms is like talking to the AXIS TOP KILLERS/ENSLAVERS Hitler, Mussolini and Hirohito in 1942 about Democracy BASIC reforms — a TOTAL waste of time and effort.

    ALL gerrymander MONSTERS are the ENEMIES OF DEMOCRACY — since late 1200s in England — 700 years plus.

    See the ROBOTIC votes in the UK House of Commons.

  13. Condorcet


    Demo Rep on November 1, 2018 at 3:19 pm

    Copy the PR and Condorcet items and paste on a wall near your computers.

    Nov 2018 gerrymander minority rule Election Day has arrived.

    The TV talking head and blogger math MORONS will rave until the 2020 gerrymander minority rule Election Day.

    Get ear plugs for the ravings from the top gerrymander hack MONSTERS — Pelosi, Ryan, etc.

    — and the math moron comments from the stooge *experts* on the TV cable news shows and the much worse old networks – ABC, CBS and NBC.

    The 1775 and 1859 pressures get worse — perhaps 1789 France R word worse.

  14. The VP tiebreaker in the minority rule USA Senate is the stooge HACK puppet of the HACK Prez who chose the VP — re: the 269 or 270 math.

    In foreign Party List PR regimes the minority rule may be ONE —

    as in the early Hitler regime — Hitler picking each robot nazi elected to the German national legis.

    How many of the 1933 nazi hacks lived to see VE Day in 1945 — or survived the various post war trials / NO trial summary firing squads ???

    How soon before each USA Prez hack picks ALL candidates for the USA Congress and even ALL state legislatures ???

    — latter now useless due to SCOTUS hacks appointed by tyrant Prezs

    — wiping out States – via USA laws and treaties — 10th Amdt de facto DEAD.

    Thus — USA — now a tyrant empire — like the Roman Empire 27 BC-476 AD.

    PR and AppV — to END the tyranny.

  15. I wish DemoRep was a bit more clear with his writing. I genuinely do not know what he is trying to say.

  16. For any math retards —

    1/2 or less votes x 1/2 rigged gerrymander areas = 1/4 or less CONTROL = oligarchy..

    Another crop of gerrymander oligarchs being rigged/elected today.

    The MORON media is too evil stupid to do the 1/4 math —

    ie Votes percent versus Seats won percent >>> DISCREPANCY

    ZERO time left to be *politically correct* — the USA is really now a gerrymander TYRANNY.

    2018 data will be about 25-40 percent of that used to make 2021-2022 new gerrymanders after the 2020 Census and 2020 Prez data – 75-60 percent.

    ZERO time left for 10,000 page essays — as in Apr 1775 or Apr 1861.

    PR and AppV — regardless of ALL math retards, morons, idiots, fools, etc.

    — esp. the super math morons on TV tonight.

  17. USA Today / NY Times may have ALL the USA Congress gerrymander partly final stats tomorrow in print

    — now takes weeks/months to get Final-Final-Final stats in States.

    FEC may/will have copy of State stats by Aug 2019 [???]

    — depending quite a bit on how many minor party / inde. candidates

    2016 Fed stats took until LATE Dec 2017.

    Democracy Forces should do Voter petits in 2019 for state Const amdts in 18 States having such petits. — unless Civil WAR II has started tonight.

    PR and AppV

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