Large Proportion of California Voters Who Voted Left Ballots Blank for Races with Only Two Democrats

California has millions of votes remaining to be counted, so it isn’t easy to make observations about the final returns. But already it is obvious that a large proportion of voters cast a blank ballot for the two statewide offices with only two Democrats on the ballot.

The election returns posted on the Secretary of State’s web page change daily. As of Saturday morning, November 10, there were only 7,045,964 votes counted for U.S. Senate, and only 6,619,548 votes counted for Lieutenant Governor.

But Proposition Six, the gasoline tax measure, has 7,831,910 votes counted so far. Proposition Ten, concerning rent control, has 7,815,128. In the Governor’s race, with one Democrat and one Republican, 7,971,464 votes have been counted.

The Secretary of State’s web page does not have any data on the number of people who went to the polls, but that figure will be available when the official count is completed in early December. Thanks to Rob Richie for suggesting the subject of this blog post.


Large Proportion of California Voters Who Voted Left Ballots Blank for Races with Only Two Democrats — 8 Comments

  1. 20 percent NON-votes quite possible for all races NOT having 1 D and 1 R

    — in burned / flooded / quaked / sunny CA

    PR or AppV — all races >>> fewer NON-votes.

  2. Fortunately for California voters, the new fires started after election day was over. And no quake in quite a long time.

  3. When will California break free of the yoke of American Imperialism and become the free and independent people’s republic it was always intended to be?

  4. Wii CA merge ASAP with the RED Chinese regime of control freak tyrants ???

    Esp RED Chinese naval base in SF Bay ???

  5. Typo question —

    When will CA merge with the RED Chinese regime of control freak tyrants- in seconds, days ???

    Esp RED Chinese naval bases in SF Bay and San Diego and Los Angeles ???

  6. Does MV understand the CB question ???

    The first European to detect CA had a revelation / nightmare about the future of CA ???

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