New Hampshire Won’t Set the Date of 2020 Presidential Primary Until Late in 2019

According to this Politico story, New Hampshire may not set the date of its 2020 presidential primary until late in 2019. The story notes that the state is capable of waiting as late as December 2019.


New Hampshire Won’t Set the Date of 2020 Presidential Primary Until Late in 2019 — 15 Comments

  1. United Coalition USA PPR Presidential Electoral College
    (PPR=pure proportional representation)

    HEAR YE! HEAR ye!
    Now calling for nominations for President of the United States of America (POTUS)!

    US Presidential Electoral College Nominations for Voting on POTUS:

    Sign up now to self-nominate as US Presidential Elector for Free (USA Only):
    * * *

  2. Ogle, have you ever gotten your party on any primary or general election ballot? If no, why not?

  3. Brandon, our goal is at least 33.33% (plus two votes) for POTUS by uniting men of all parties and independents.

    The One Party is working for the good of the whole, no One is more important than the team, we are uniting the team players who agree that working together is stronger than fighting.

    The California Green Party is in agreement and so us men are bringing the best female candidates from all parties and independents (including the One Party) to the California Green Party.

    Our team isn’t stuck on ourselves so we can attend to building the team to 33.33% (plus two votes) and if we keep our nose to the ground, do our own jobs well, then maybe the United Coalition USA will have another chance for victory like in 2012 when we won the Missouri primary with 52.7% as a unity between Green and Libertarian despite the odds.

    Not like 2012 and 2016 with Stein and Johnson.

    The United Coalition USA has been working together across party lines, actions that the party bosses didn’t want you to know about in 2012.

    It’s a new policy unlike any previous policies before.

  4. How do you expect to get votes if you don’t petition to get on ballots? AmericansElect had millions bankrolling it and it failed, how do you expect to get on state ballots in the next 1.5 years?

  5. Honorable Angela McArdle, the talented chair of the Los Angeles County Libertarian Party, has recently brought a new method of conducting the county meeting by teleconference and this is one new ay women are developing better safe environments for county meetings which are frequently interrupted by foul behavior. One such meeting reportedly was shut down by the hosting restaurant because of the impolite and disrespect toward her as a woman and so her work is appreciated by everyone and we welcome the advances.

    We are launching a world campaign for all parties and independents to help quadruple the numbers of dues-payers and anyone may apply here:

    Honorable Mark Herd [Libertarian] for Los Angeles County Libertarian Party Vice President-elect is an important goal for our team, he is the man who coined the acronym “PPR Electoral College”.

    Also, the proposed wording for the California Libertarian Party State Bylaws, item 12, has been published as “Item 10”, final version pending:

    10. Examples of Vote Count (Proposal to California Libertarian Party on April 5th, 2019)

    These are examples of the changes our team asks everyone to participate, as us men try to attain 33.33% (plus two votes) for President and or Vice President in 2020.

    Our team may consist of two names from two differing political parties (or independents)
    who are working together for the good of the whole.

    The voters will decide in Monterey California on Earth Day 2020 and anyone can sign up now to be nominated to the first pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College. A President and Vice President nominated and possibly under the US Constitution in November of 2020.

  6. James Ogle, when bragging on your 2012 Missouri victory you ought to note up front that you eaked out a narrow win over the mighty campaign of your only challenger, Uncommitted.

  7. Abolish the minority rule gerrymander USA *Electoral College*

    — one of the many ANTI-Democracy parts of the LATE DARK AGE 1787 USA Const.

    Uniform definition of Elector-Voter in ALL of the USA — including Devil City and occupied colonies.

    PR and nonpartisan AppV

  8. Perhaps Ogle folks can get a lawyer with brain cells and do a correct ballot access case ???

    — since SCOTUS morons – screwed up 1968 case – Williams v Rhodes — mere 50 plus years.

  9. Ogle was the only one to spend $1000 on a meaningless primary, just to boost is ego. The man needs some time in a padded cell.

  10. The 2012 victory was only possible because my team consists of all parties (and independents) and that primary was but the only one which fell before the 2012 convention which our team attended. Jim Burns, Miss Joy Waymire, Gary Johnson, etc.

    The Missouri primary I owe to Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] and Jim Doyle [Republican] who helped with money and in publicity and filings.

    Unfortunately the rules prevented myself for speaking at convention, and even the chair of the Missouri LP didn’t know I was running on four different women’s tickets.

    You go win with 52.7% despite the actions by the party bosses who blocked, slandered, deleted, censored, cheated, etc., despite all that we won.

    I owe it all to the team.

  11. Ogle, you barely beat uncommitted in Missouri. You had no human opponents, and still barely won. Again, no person except you bothered to spend $1000 in a meaningless, non binding primary. You lost to NOTA while running under the Green Party. Stop stroking your ego and admit you are a farce and a nut job. We know the truth.

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