Many Sources Say Businessman Howard Schultz is Thinking of Running for President as an Independent

Here is a story from The Guardian, reporting that businessman Howard Schultz is thinking of running for president in 2020 as an independent.


Many Sources Say Businessman Howard Schultz is Thinking of Running for President as an Independent — 5 Comments

  1. The mechanics of the voting system is a civil issue and the LP has moved from two-party Electoral system (Johnson elected under single winner plurality) to a one-party system (AppV in single winner district for POTUS), both the 2012 and 2020 internal LP elections for POTUS.

    The only finger the LP will lift to bring the three-party system might be the middle finger as has been the case since 1994 in Central California.

    The United Coalition USA is bringing the correct math for overwheming superior fire power despite the self-destructive actions of the LP in 2019 as the 2020 LP national convention approaches.

    Us men need to start trying harder to attain 66.66% of all male voters to consider ranking the top names in the PPR Electoral College.

  2. Ogle is being sexist against men again. No wonder people don’t give a damn about his fantasy land system.

  3. Count On Fictional Finances Evening Everyone (C.O.F.F.E.E.) party. That’s the ticket! Quick somebody copyright it or it will become one of Ogle’s new major parties in his world of fantasy!

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