U.S. District Court Dismisses Lawsuit Over Vote-Counting Machines

On February 8, U.S. District Court Judge J. Michele Childs, an Obama appointee, dismissed the lawsuit Heindel v Andino, 3:18cv-1887. The case challenged South Carolina’s use of iVotronic vote-counting machines. The plaintiffs argued that the system is unreliable and would permit the vote tally to be hacked. But Judge Childs said that the plaintiffs lack standing, because they just have a generalized grievance and they did not show that they have been injured in particular. Here is the opinion.


U.S. District Court Dismisses Lawsuit Over Vote-Counting Machines — 1 Comment

  1. Again – how many $$$ bribes for the gerrymander HACKS in the rotted regimes having NO paper trail voting machines ???

    Where is the 2019 Union Army to liberate ALL such regimes ???

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