Hawaii House Passes Bill for Ranked Choice Voting for All Partisan Primaries

On March 1, the Hawaii House passed HB 210, which provides for ranked choice voting for all partisan primaries.
See the text here. Now the bill goes to the Senate. Only nine representatives voted “no.”

There is a similar bill in the State Senate, SB 450, but it hasn’t moved yet.


Hawaii House Passes Bill for Ranked Choice Voting for All Partisan Primaries — 6 Comments

  1. See 34-33-32 RCV example —

    more communist/fascists with rigged majority *mandates* ??? Duh.

    PR and AppV — pending Condorcet — RCV done correctly.

  2. It should be up to the parties to decide whatever voting method that each prefers in its own primaries.

  3. @ Walter, exactly. And better yet, charge the parties which participate in the primaries for access to them. Since the purpose of the primaries is for parties to determine their own candidates, why should taxpayers, many of whom are not affiliated with the party, have to pay for that?

  4. ZERO need for primaries.

    PR —

    Party Members = Total Members x Party Votes / Total Votes

    PM = The top vote getters of each Party

    — Pending TV/TM Ratio winners and then Condorcet.

  5. @JB,

    Why would a major party want to pay for something, when they can get the government to pay for it? You don’t seem to understand self-dealing.

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