Kansas Democrats Will Administer Their Own Presidential Primary

Kansas does not have government-administered presidential primaries. However, the Kansas Democratic Party will administer its own primary on Saturday, May 2, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Also it will allow absentee voting in the period before that primary. The primary will use Ranked Choice Voting. FrontloadingHQ has the details here.


Kansas Democrats Will Administer Their Own Presidential Primary — 1 Comment

  1. The Democratic Party’s system of RCV is no good, that’s not good for picking the two seats, President and Vice President. A one-party system is no good and the election of President and VP has the characteristics of a three-party system under RCV in two-member districts.

    The United Coalition has been using the 539-party system and on April 1st 1995 the Libertarian Harry Browne won, with 125 consecutively-ranked names of whom Colin Powell [Independent] was #2. Our success of using the 539-party system was demonstrated there with 350 voters who used the correct method.

    Then the founder of Google joined our conversation and capitalized because he was a programmer, and launched off our back the multi-billion successful gateway, then bought Dejanews where we were dependent on and deleted most of the information about how the Libertarian won. He also deleted when he asked about my email address joogle@cruzio.com and he typed “What is a joogle?” around December 1997 and where he announced the new search engine name in our conversation where my antagonists Cameron Spitzer and Gary Swing emailed him and got him to delete my material because we were the Environmentalist Party and the Libertarian Party working together since I left the Green Party. They didn’t like that and they continued to harass me all the way through 2011 when I brought Roseanne Barr’s name and candidacy to the California Green Party for the first time.

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