Sixth Circuit Expedites Ohio’s Appeal in Case on Local Initiatives and Due Process

On May 3, the Sixth Circuit expedited Schmitt v LaRose, 19-3196. This is the case over whether Ohio county election officials are free to remove local initiatives from the ballot because they think the initiative, if passed, would be invalid under state or federal law. The U.S. District Court had ruled that such behavior violates due process, and that only a state court can take initiatives off the ballot for such reasons. Ohio appealed, and the Sixth Circuit will rush the case. All briefs will be due by June 4, 2019.


Sixth Circuit Expedites Ohio’s Appeal in Case on Local Initiatives and Due Process — 1 Comment

  1. MORON Fed courts have used DP in 5 Amdt and 14-1 to become super-legislatures / veto Execs — esp SCOTUS.

    ALL totally subversive and UN-constitutional.

    DP – back to 1215 Magna Charta, c.29

    See book – Sources of Our Liberties 1959 [now on internet]

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