Alabama Bill to Ease Ballot Access

On April 30, Alabama State Senator Cam Ward (R-Alabaster) introduced SB 336. It decreases the number of signatures for newly-qualifying parties, and non-presidential independents, from 3% of the last gubernatorial vote, to 1.5%. Also it eases the petition deadline from the day of the primary, to the third Wednesday after the run-off primary. The bill affects federal and state office, but not county office.

If the bill were to pass, the 2020 statewide petition would go from 51,588 signatures to 25,794 signatures. The deadline would move from March 3 to April 29. The bill has a hearing in the Senate Judiciary Committee on May 8. Thanks to Joshua Cassity for this news.


Alabama Bill to Ease Ballot Access — 2 Comments

  1. Senator Ward has been perseverant in submitting bills to improve ballot access. Kudos to him! Maybe the legislature will tire of his persistency and just pass the bill. 🙂

  2. State gerrymander hacks have COMMAND orders from Devil City to wipe out ALL 3rd parties and independents OFF ALL ballots ??? DUH.

    ie PURGE coming for Sen. W ???

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