Massachusetts Republican Party Sets a Winner-Take-All Presidential Primary

The Massachusetts Republican Party recently changed the 2016 presidential primary rules, from the proportional system that was used to award delegates in 2016, to a system in which a candidate who polls at least 50% gets all the delegates. See this Politico story.


Massachusetts Republican Party Sets a Winner-Take-All Presidential Primary — 7 Comments

  1. How abolish RED Mass

    — with its 1780 State Const with about 10-15 amdts regarding gerrymander districts ???

    PR and AppV

  2. How many Elephant State parties controlled by Trump HACKS/robots/stooges — aka Trump cultists ???

    See earlier Prez cultists.

  3. There goes William Weld’s challenge to the Trump in Mass. Shovel the dirt.

  4. This won’t affect the new pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College Unity as our election gets done on Earth Day 2020 after all 538 Electors speak, paper ballots cast and counted under pure proportional representation.

    Our team is uniting the whole, individuals of all parties (and independents) and us men need only a little more than 66.6% to collaborate and we’ll elect the first woman as President and/or Vice President, one of whom might be a Libertarian.

    Go Ogle [One]
    (Not affiliated with Google One)

  5. All the articles on this say it hurts Weld. I will take the opposite view. If Weld has any chance at all (and I say he doesn’t), what better state for him to win than Massachusetts? If he can’t win his home state, he can’t win any state. So he should view this as a good thing.

  6. Massachusetts allows independents to vote in either the Democratic or Republican primaries. For Weld to beat Trump in Massachusetts would require a lot of independents to pick Republican ballots. However, they are more likely to pick Democratic ballots because independent votes are more likely to be decisive in a crowded Democratic primary. Plus, the fact that, while many independents in Massachusetts like Weld, and were a key part of his support when he was Governor there, they know he doesn’t have much chance outside of New England.

  7. Just changed my party affiliation to Independent. Will vote in Repub. Primary for Weld.

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