New York Senate Passes Bill to Let Congress See a State Tax Return

On May 8, the New York Senate passed SB 5072 by 39-21.  It says that if the Chair of the U.S. House Ways & Means Committee asks the state of New York for a copy of the New York state income tax return of any individual, the state will comply with the request.  The bill also mentions two other types of congressional chair, but it is the House Ways & Means reference that is meaningful, because that member of Congress has already asked to see the federal tax return of Donald Trump.  Of course Trump is a taxpayer in New York state, so this bill is about him.  Here is the text.  A similar bill, AB 7194-A, is pending in the New York Assembly.


New York Senate Passes Bill to Let Congress See a State Tax Return — 6 Comments

  1. Divide the USA N-O-W ???

    RED communist States [west/east coasts] — BLUE fascist States [middle]

    massive moving/fleeing — perhaps 100 million plus.

    See which regimes have economic collapses.

    See ex-dead 1917-1991 RED communist Russia-USSR regime.

  2. So could one of the other chairs ask to see the Clinton’s tax returns? They live in NY after all. Often people don’t think of consequences of the laws they write.

  3. After the NY Times story —

    Has DT paid ANY ***N-E-T*** taxes to ANY regime ???

    NET tax W-A-R-S — for 6,000 plus years

    NET tax getters versus NET tax slaves — per day, week, month, quarter, year, lifetime.

    Most getters = ALL govt officials/employees, govt contractors, debtors [creditors], welfare.

    DT — all 4 types ???

  4. I think Hillary Clinton already released her tax returns, although probably not the 2017 or 2018 ones.

    And I tend to think that Bill Clinton mostly lives in Little Rock, Arkansas, now. He likes being near his presidential library. And I tend to think that Hillary Clinton mostly lives in her home in Washington, DC, now.

  5. This whole controversy just reveals how obsessive the Democrats are about Trump. Why not just let the voters decide whether Trump’s withholding of his taxes is a problem? Don’t we have an election coming up? Isn’t that what democracy is all about? Or, do the Democrats think voters are unable to judge for themselves?

  6. WZ and many others —

    Sorry — the USA regime is a de facto monarchy-oligarchy

    — due to the 3 ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems

    — USA H Reps — Senate — EC

    — since day 1 in 1788-1789.

    It shows — genocide of American Indians to 1890, slavery to 1865, nonstop UN-declared foreign wars, various domestic oppressions, INSANE annual and accumulated debts, etc.

    PR and AppV

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