Thanks to Green Party Watch for this link to an in-depth article about the Maine Green Party in, a well-known magazine that covers Maine.
The Green Party in Maine is the nation’s strongest state unit of any nationally-organized minor party. The Maine Green Party, and the New York Conservative Party, are the only parties that have managed to poll at least 5% of the vote four times in a row for Governor, in all the years since World War II ended. The Minnesota Independence Party has polled over 5% for Governor three times in a row, and might add a fourth instance in 2010. One must go all the way back to the 1940’s to find other minor parties (either one-state parties, or nationally-organized parties) that polled 5% for Governor four times in a row.
In 2008, four Green Party nominees for the state legislature outpolled their Republican opponents. Those Green candidates were William Linnell for State Senate, and for the House, Michael Hiltz, Daniel Jenkins and Sandy Amborn.
Hope for us [Alternative Party advocates] all, hope for us all [even tho I personally can not stand Pat La Marshe]!
——– Donald Raymond Lake, Perot, Perot, Nader, Nader, Nader voter