Miami-Dade County Officials Interpret Law on Ex-Felons to Permit Most of them to Register

Law enforcement officials in Miami-Dade County, Florida, have decided to interpret Florida election law to mean that ex-felons with outstanding fines, fees, and restitution, can still register to vote unless those monetary judgments are included on that individual’s sentencing document. According to this story, that will enable 90% of people in that county (who otherwise could not have registered) to register.

The same interpretation may be made by certain other populous counties. Of course, then there will be an inconsistent application of the law throughout Florida, which might violate Bush v Gore, the 2000 U.S. Supreme Court decision that said, “The right to vote is fundamental, and one source of its fundamental nature lies in the equal weight accorded to each vote.” Thanks to Rick Hasen for the link.


Miami-Dade County Officials Interpret Law on Ex-Felons to Permit Most of them to Register — 4 Comments

  1. Obviously MORE cases due to heat stroke MORONS in FL.

    See the 2002 USA HAVA law – written esp for the FL MORONS in 2000 Bush v Gore – legis, exec, judic.

  2. 2,35 pm comment is once again FAKE and a HACK


    Ap and Pv and Totsep

  3. 5:28 pm comment is once again FAKE and a HACK —

    Russian hack or a USA hack pre-skoool MORON —

    one of the usual suspect juvenile MORONS on this list ???

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