
The New Republic Article on Justin Amash, the Libertarian Movement, and the Libertarian Party — 7 Comments

  1. Since 1929-1941 Great Depression I —

    ALL gerrymander Donkey/Elephant robots/HACKS all the time

    wanting ALL powerful Prezs.

    Thus the pending open Civil WAR II.

    Will be about $$$ 40 TRILLION in ALL govt debts in USA by end of 2019.

    Means ZERO to the MONSTERS in ALL regimes.

    See hyper-inflation in 1923 Germany >>> Hitler in 1933-1945.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP.

  2. Amash is not a libertarian, which makes him a perfect choice for the LP nomination.

  3. Which is more common – libertarians insisting that everyone else isn’t a real libertarian or socialists claiming that all of the failed socialist states weren’t real socialism?

  4. Jim –
    the history record –

    how many socialists have killed/enslaved other socialists ??? — both communist/nazi versions.

    how many libertarians have killed/enslaved other libertarians ???

  5. Jim – it saddens me to write that there are a lot more socialists in America than libertarians (using moderately strict definitions), therefore the answer to your question is B) there are more “socialists claiming that all of the failed socialist states weren’t real socialism”.

  6. Real is superfluous there. Amash is a conservative. So are the Pauls. Conservative fusionism and paleoconservatism, old right, alt right, alt Reich, old Reich, nationalism, tea party, t party, trump party, patriarchy, chauvinism, fascism, theocracy, mercantilism…these mix less well with libertarian views than oil and water, yet some people keep trying. Let it go. Libertarianism is not right wing, never was, never should be. Cut all ties to the right and let freedom grow.

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