Arkansas Secretary of State Files Angry Two-Page Brief in U.S. District Court, Asking Why State’s Request for a Stay Has Received No Response

On August 5, the Arkansas Secretary of State filed this two-page brief, seeming to express anger that the U.S. District Court in Libertarian Party of Arkansas v Thurston, e.d., 4:19cv-214, has not acted on the state’s request for a stay. The U.S. District Court on July 3 had enjoined the 3% petition for party status in this case, leaving the old 10,000-signature requirement in place. Since then, the Secretary of State has verified that the party did submit at least 10,000 valid signatures, so the party is on, unless either the U.S. District Court or the Eighth Circuit grants a stay.


Arkansas Secretary of State Files Angry Two-Page Brief in U.S. District Court, Asking Why State’s Request for a Stay Has Received No Response — 6 Comments

  1. Looks like the Arkansas Secretary of State needs a nap. Or a blanky.

    By the way, I think the “Irreparable harm” to the “People of Arkansas” is caused by the unconstitutional law you’re trying to enforce.

  2. Will the Fed judge order a USA marshal to arrest the AR SOS — for Contempt of Court ???

  3. When you choose not to decide you still have made a choice. Methinks the Arkansas Secretary of State will not get his stay.

  4. RICO action by FBI, at the very least, should be brought against the SOS, governor, and legislators for continuing to bring back this law after it gets thrown out by the courts over and over repeatedly. They do it purposely to waste the money and time of smaller parties on litigation on top of the already horrendous burden of petitioning even under the existing law. They should all be sued for money damages as well as prosecuted for racketeering. Their actions do in fact meet the legal definition.

  5. It would be nice to see a government official get this fired up about something that is pro-liberty rather than anti-liberty.

  6. Andy –

    Sorry – govt by definition loves FORCE —

    esp to get money from tax slaves since 1929

    and give such money to govt gangs – officials, contractors, creditors and welfare.

    USA is now defacto bankrupt due to 1929-2019 deficits —

    waiting for 9 AM TOTAL sell crisis —
    TOTAL collapse in all paper assets.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

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