Political Scientist Lee Drutman Summarizes Research Showing “Moderates” and “Independents” are Not the Same People

Political Scientist Lee Drutman here presents the evidence that “moderates” and “independents” are not the same group of people. The research is at FiveThirtyEight.com. Drutman is writing a book, not yet published, about the crisis of the two-party system in the United States. Thanks to Political Wire for the link.


Political Scientist Lee Drutman Summarizes Research Showing “Moderates” and “Independents” are Not the Same People — 13 Comments

  1. Duh! Really? An independent can be anyone of any political philosophy who just chooses not to affiliate with a political party. I wonder how much grant money he wasted on this “breakthrough”?

  2. Minority rule gerrymander *crisis*

    — super- much worse than 1860 ???

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

    RED communist Pelosi finally got her senile brain to OK impeachment stuff of Trump at 5:01 PM EDT today — about 9 months late.

    ENO of SCOTUS vacation.

    CON LAW BATTLE Stations.
    This AIN”T NO Drill.

    Earlier –
    1642 English Civil WAR – Charles I
    1688 English Revolution – James II
    1776 USA – AM Rev WAR – George III

  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pelosi-trump-impeachment-inquiry-ukraine-210758893.html

    Pelosi calls for official impeachment inquiry into President Trump

    ANY REGULAR ORDER any more – or nonstop stunt TV appearances ???

    1. Impeachment Res referred to H Judic Comt.

    2. H Judic Comt reports back to H Reps.

    3. H Reps votes on Impeach Res.

    4. If passes, then to USA Senate for trial.

    Difficult ONLY for HACK MORONS intent on over-throwing / mystifying the USA Const. ???

  4. To be fair, many in the mainstream media and the establishment Democratic Party also have a complete failure of understanding of this concept. Alas, I’m not convinced this will help them come to the correct realization.

  5. Demo Rep- don’t sweat the impeachment circus. Impeachment is basically meaningless it the removal by the Senate that counts and that’s NEVER happened. It gives the media something to do and perhaps stops Congress from passing more laws while they are engaged in these silly playground activities. More opportunities for fools to pontificate and win their praise!

  6. CO-

    REGIME changes after impeachment machinations —

    Nixon 1974 >>> Carter 1976

    Clinton 1998 >>> Bush II 2000

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  7. “don’t sweat the impeachment circus.”

    It’s not the impeachment “circus” we should sweat, it’s the clown with the nuclear codes.

    “Impeachment is basically meaningless it the removal by the Senate that counts”

    It removes one excuse for obstruction of investigations. As an official impeachment inquiry it’s much harder to deny that congress should have the evidence it needs to assess a referral to the senate.

    “and that’s NEVER happened.”

    There’s a first time for everything. Nixon, as you’ll recall, won an overwhelming landslide to a second term. He was popular, and the possibility of impeachment inquiry was not, when it started. By the time he resigned it had become clear he would have been removed if he hadn’t. It was the process which caused that change in public opinion.

    In Clinton’s case the difference was that the impeachment was about something most people concluded was trivial – lying about a blowjob. Sure, it was under oath, but most people decided that what the lie was about was more important than the fact that it was under oath. Like Nixon and unlike Trump, Clinton went into it as a popular president who had won the electoral college by a convincing margin for a second term and was the first place finisher in the popular vote as well. He had a good economy, whereas Trump’s popularity was underwater his whole term to date even with a good economy and the economy is now on a slide.

    Don’t put impeachment and removal, or even an attempt by Trump to carry out a coup and remain in office illegally, outside the realm of possibility. I also won’t be surprised if he flees the country if he is in fact successfully removed, most likely to Saudi Arabia or Russia, or perhaps North Korea. That Trump Tower Moscow may yet be built, and he may get his own Russian and Saudi financed propaganda network in exile, a sort of modern day Tokyo Rose and Vidkun Quisling rolled into one.

  8. Ed Ng. Whoa! You’ve got quite an imagination. You’re obviously watching too much Rachel Maddow.

  9. If Pelosi was not totally SENILE / paralyzed — worried MOSTLY about the RED Donkey communists elected in the marginal 2018 gerrymander districts — then *REGULAR ORDER* would have happened on Jan 3, 2019.

    A H Res to impeach the Prez [esp for the 2016 Trump Tower meeting — DIRECT/BLATANT ATTEMPT to subvert the 2016 election — with all sorts of later coverup — obstruction of justice stuff ] —

    sent to H Judic Comt OR even an emergency hearing on the House floor.

    Subpoenas and warrants to everybody via H Reps Sergeant at Arms – with backup of Capitol Police force.

    IE 9 Months wasted.


    Congress is brain dead in general about the FATAL Defects in the USA Const – esp NOT having TOTAL Separation of Powers and having *NONPARTISAN* elected USA Marshals and USA Dist Attys and ALL USA Judges.

    ROT in general is akin to the FATAL rot in the Roman Republic 120 BC – 27 BC —-
    REALLY EVIL deja vu all over again.

    Many FATAL defects copied from rotted 1776 Brit regime were put into 1776-1789 State Consts and 1787 USA Const.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

    Another raving hearing today on TV about latest Trump-Ukraine flap – one more moron band-aid USA law – urgent, credible, etc. stuff.

    ZERO mention of *executive privilege* in the almost DEAD 1787 USA Const.

  10. Ed Ng (or paulie canoli)- I have it on good authority (the Pope of Rome AND the Patriarch of Constantiniople) that Emperor Trump wants “fast track” impeachment so that he can request crucifixion from the Senate star chamber. He really believes he can beat the prior record for resurrection by at least two days!

  11. The effect of this misunderstanding may manifest itself in composition of independent redistricting commissions, where those who are not Republican or Democrat are assumed to be somewhere in between.

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