
Party for Socialism and Liberation Announces 2020 Ticket — 19 Comments

  1. The Democrats are a corporatist party. They may not pander to the extreme (fake)Christian right quite as much as the Republicans, but most of the policy between the two are very incremental even in rhetoric and non-existing in reality. It’s increasingly becoming a battle for patronage between the two. With less and less at stake in reality, the ideological rhetoric and catastrophizing has to be turned up ever higher to distract people from that reality.

  2. No it’s not, Tim. If they mean liberation from the capitalist system, it’s obviously not a contradiction. If the word was ‘liberty’, you’d still be wrong, but would have a better argument.

    Demo, once again, if you think there’s no difference between the PSL and the Democratic Party, you need to look again.

    Socialist Action has Jeff Mackler, PSL has Gloria La Riva, both who were the party nominees in 2016. I wonder who the first new candidate will be for a socialist party this year, and if the FSP will run someone again instead of endorsing Mackler like they did in 2016.

  3. #FreeLeonardPeltier! And we could have him swap places with RemoDep.

    And, well put James. On new candidates, Hawkins calls himself an ecosocialist, of course, though the Green Party does not identify that way. (Sadly; there’s a fair chunk of libertarian types, including ones who claim all Greens are libertarian.)

    The SPUSA won’t nominate until next year, of course. I don’t know who might be considering that.

  4. Socratic, I’ve heard that Howie is also taking a look at the SPUSA nomination along with Green, or at least that’s what Pat Noble was saying on twitter a week or so ago. I haven’t looked more into it, but it would amaze me if that actually went through. I’d have to imagine there would be justified outrage from many SPUSA members.

  5. “I’d have to imagine there would be justified outrage from many SPUSA members.”

    Why? Isn’t he a long time party member of theirs as well?

  6. *liberation* from RED China *Liberation Army* 1949 ???

    What percent of Mother Earth’s surface has been *developed* ??? –

    buildings, roads, cut down original trees for crop lands, etc. ???

    NOT enough O2 plants to allow humans to survive much longer ???

  7. I am surprised that “Ed Ng” is still posting here, since I unmasked him as being Paul Frankel on another thread on this site. Who else was going to repeat an obscure bumper sticker slogan from more than a decade ago, that only Paul and I would have known, and which Paul had repeated in tbe past (the sticker was on former LP petitioner Gary Fincher’s car)? This was not the only phrase Paul had used that popped up in an “Ed Ng” post, also, Jill Pyeatt and “Jed Ziggler” (aka-Jeremy Siple) outted Paul awhile ago on Independent Political Report (or IPR) for posting as “Wang Tang Fu,” plus, when I was at a Motel 6 in Arkansas in 2017, where Paul was staying in another room at the same place, and I was still signed up as a writer at IPR with dashboard reading status, I noticed that posts coming from “Matthew,” “Mark,” “Luke,” and “John,” were coming from the same IP address as the Motel 6. There were other troll posts during the same time frame that came from IP anonymous. My status was mystetiously downgraded not long after this to where I could no longer view the dashboard.

  8. Brandon, why would I care what a guy who thinks that Bill Weld,
    a guy who supports “Red Flag” gun confiscation laws, banning assault rifles, the Federal Reserve System, the income tax, the United Nations, Carbon Taxes, eminent domain for corporate business interests, the Obamacare mandate, warrantless domestic spying, a militaristic/imperialist foreign policy, the Bush family, the Clinton family, and Mitt Romney, is a libertarian, thinks?

  9. I never said anything about Mitt Romney and while Weld used to have many of those positions he has grown. Unfortunately he went back to the GOP to try to change it just like Ron Paul did after his failed 1988 candidacy. He will fail just like Ron Paul did, but his positions are now much closer to LBT than GOP; and like Ron Paul he kept his Lifetime Membership in the LP. Why do you see nefarious plots everywhere?

  10. More or Less statist control freak CONTROL of everybody and everything in the universe ???

    ZERO new in 6,000 plus years ??? — except CONTROL means.

    NOW A-Z 24/7 666 CONTROL means ???

    See multiple *facial recognition* stories.

  11. Andy’s nonsense about the supposed Fincher bumper sticker was answered on the thread where it was originally posted. The only one Andy is embarrassing is himself. I notice he has no reply to my actual point, so he has to resort to speculating about my supposed true identity. But, what else would you expect from an Alex Jones acolyte who thinks no children died at Sandy Hook and is “open minded” about the space lizard conspiracy “theory”? Now the real question is why anyone would care what Andy thinks or where he sees “proof,” given those types of standards.

    Is it time for you to post some anti-semitic conspiracy rant about Jews bringing in non-white immigrants to replace the white population of so called white countries yet Andy? Which as I understand it is why the Jewish owner of Independent Political Report “mysteriously” no longer welcomes you on his property – digitally removed, so to speak.

  12. ICYMI Andy….

    “Ed Ng on September 23, 2019 at 5:33 am said:


    It should come as no surprise that is what passes for logic in the mind of Alex Jones, David Icke, Stefan Molyneux, Hans Hoppe acolyte Andy Jacobs, the addled bircher/lizard conspiracy nut job. Show me on the doll where the Council on Foreign Relations hurt you Andy. In reality aside from Bircher fantasies they are a wonderful organization that fosters international cooperation between the forces of freedom and democracy against the tyrants, kleptocrats, dictators and medieval monarchs of the world – you know, the ones your idols want to make the only game in town on the global scale. No wonder you and they hate the CFR so much. What you really hate is the enlightenment, which you want to snuff out.”

  13. And let’s once and for all resolve to never again let these paleo/alt right/bircher/Alex Jones nuts tell anyone else that other person isn’t libertarian enough. The paleo/alt right/bircher/Alex Jones nuts aren’t anywhere close to libertarian, or for that matter sane. They should go fix their tin foil hats and hide in a bunker like Hitler, or hang out in the woods to wait out the end of the world like the Unabomber or Eric Rudolph. Maybe go burn a cross or something, get drunk and do some inbreeding, if your cousins will have you. Just don’t lynch anyone and you can have a keg party in a hollow and wear sheets all weekend. Deal?

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