New York Republican Legislative Leaders Intervene on the Side of Conservative and Working Families Party, to Preserve Fusion

On October 3, the leaders of Republicans in each house of the New York legislature intervened in the pending lawsuits to preserve fusion. The original cases were filed by the Working Families Party and the Conservative Party. See this story.


New York Republican Legislative Leaders Intervene on the Side of Conservative and Working Families Party, to Preserve Fusion — 10 Comments

  1. Allow fusion but put candidate onto only 1 line, list the extra parties under the persons name. There is no reason to have such a crowded ballot, and it will also keep parasite parties from maintaining status simply by nominating the major party governor candidates.

  2. BL–

    How many States still have the olde party line / column ballot forms ???

    vs office BOX forms ??? – much smaller ballot sizes.

  3. If your party is so bad you can’t even nominate your own candidates, it should not be on the ballot.

    Abolish fusion.

  4. The two Republican leaders are defendants, and filed as cross-complaints.

    Defendants are:

    The Public Campaign Financing and Election Commission;
    The 7 individual commissioners;
    The State Board of Elections;
    The 4 commissioners of the SBOE;
    The State of New York;
    The Governor;
    The Assembly, the Speaker and minority leader;
    The Senate, the majority and minority leaders;

    Generally the defendants are arguing that the case is not ripe. Any actions by the commission and the legislature is hypothetical, as is any harm to the Working Family and Conservative parties.

    If it were the legislature considering a change, it would be like a plaintiff asking a court to stop the legislature from passing a bill. They would be laughed out of the court.

    I doubt that a lower court is willing to intervene at this point.

  5. @BL,

    I don’t think the commission has the authority to make a substantive change to con-fusion.

  6. They don’t. They could recommend. Since this is a constitution issue. It requires two Legislatures and then a ballot question, to be changed.

  7. In New York, fusion is one of the ways minor parties get a chance to be on the ballot. They use a Governor candidate to get the 50,000+ votes, that gives them four years of ballot access.

  8. @MHD,

    It is disingenuous to say it is a constitutional issue. New York courts have said that if you give party gangs the right to nominate, they can nominate the same person. It certainly doesn’t say that you have to give them a party line, or let them switch candidates (e.g. Working Families gubernatorial candidate Cynthia Nixon switching to a legislative race, permitting the party to switch to Andrew Cuomo for governor).

  9. @MHD,

    Jumping off a diving board into a swimming pool without water is one way to break your neck. That doesn’t make it a good idea.

  10. MHD-
    PR Legis
    NONPARTISAN Appv – exec/judic

    The party HACK monarchs/oligarchs extremists can jump off the top of the new NYC World Trade Towers with NO parachutes at noon — and NOT be saved by Batman.

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