Florida Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments in Top-Two Case on December 3

The Florida Supreme Court will hear Advisory Opinion of the Attorney General, SC19-1267, on December 3, Tuesday, at 9 a.m. Each side will have twenty minutes. This is the case on whether the top-two initiative has a misleading title and description. The Attorney General’s brief is here.

Here is the brief of the sponsors of the initiative.

The Florida Democratic Party has filed this brief in opposition to the initiative.

The Florida Republican Party has filed this brief in opposition to the initiative.


Florida Supreme Court Will Hear Arguments in Top-Two Case on December 3 — 2 Comments

  1. See top 2 primary ROT in RED CA — due to math morons.

    How many other States have been infected with top 2 primary math DISEASE ???

  2. Wow, even the mainstream Democrats and Republicans have come out against Top Two Primary in Florida. This is a good sign that it is not likely to pass.

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