U.S. Supreme Court Takes No Action on Alaska Campaign Finance Case

On November 1, the U.S. Supreme Court conference considered whether to hear Thompson v Hebdon, 19-122, a challenge to Alaska campaign limits on donations. On November 4, when the Court released news of its actions on November 1, nothing had been decided about Thompson v Hebdon. This shows the Court is thinking seriously about whether to take the case. It has now been put on the November 8 conference.


U.S. Supreme Court Takes No Action on Alaska Campaign Finance Case — 2 Comments

  1. Still NOOOO dollar amount in 1 Amdt.

    IE — yet another chance for SCOTUS to OVER-rule all campaign finance JUNK from 1970s onward.

    My opponent is an EVIL puppet of the Borg gang of zillionaires [among other things].

  2. I have mixed views about campaign finance reforms. I dont like much of what passes for reform or the status quo.

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