On June 16, Congressman Rush Holt (D-N.J.) again introduced his bill to mandate a paper trail for electronic vote-counting machines, in federal elections. The bill is HR 2894 and has 75 co-sponsors. This is the 4th session of Congress in which Holt has introduced this bill.
How many sponsors did he have the other times he introduced it?
In 2007, when the bill was introduced in February, it had 168 co-sponsors on the first day. Later in the session it got up to 216 co-sponsors. But it still didn’t pass the House in 2007.
How many of the incumbents in the minority rule gerrymander Congress were elected due to rigged E-voting machines in *their* gerrymander areas (political concentration camps — aka States or districts) ???
P.R. and A.V. NOW.
Too much for Holt and the rest of the gerrymander MONSTERS to understand ???