Idaho United Party Now On Ballot

On June 16, the Idaho Secretary of State approved the name change of the ballot-qualified Natural Law Party, to the United Party. The United Party is a centrist party headed by Andy Hedden-Nicely, formerly a publisher of a weekly newspaper in Boise. Hedden-Nicely is also the United Party’s candidate for US House in the 1st district.

Idaho had previously let qualified parties change their name, so the decision was no surprise.

Across the nation, the Natural Law Party will not be ballot-qualified in any state after the November 2006, except it will probably still be on in Michigan.


Idaho United Party Now On Ballot — 3 Comments

  1. Citizens For A Better Veterans Home will be ‘trucking’ from the Mexican border to United Party/ Natural Law Party in mid August to celebrate their continued existance, via NLP and grass roots door to door promotions, and their victory over ‘Democrat Party or GOP only’ political coverage by unenlighted Idaho dailies.

    See below, reform minded site map of United States political organizations. While I appreciate the take off from a similar site /article via Citizens For A Better Veterans Home just after P2004, I think Citizens and Unity08 and Ballot-Access and United Party would also be a proper up date.

  2. Will a nation wide political organization like one of the factions of the so called reform move ment ever get around to cranking out a print news letter that is half, no, a quarter as good as some groups’ regional rags?

    California Greens produce a tabliod more honest (Real P2004 candidate Nader verses home grown unknown Cobb….) and more professional than any thing recently published by the political sons and daughters of Billionaire Perot?

    A couple of years ago Citizens For A Better Veterans Home, in great frustration, started cranking out an Unofficial, Informal Reform Minded print news letter and various blogs.

    Like Ballot-Access News and Richard Winger, we promoted the idea of non ballot access organizations taking over the inactive but ballot accessed California affiliation of the Natural Law Party. Like Reformer/ Peace and Freedom type Phil Sawyer (in or near Sacramento), we got little or no response from non access groups on this ‘manna from heaven’.

    Like Green, we went on to other things, including a de facto site map of reformist organizations. Once again is ‘off the air’ —hopefully some one else is ‘rebuilding’ the ‘rebuild’ and the anti establishment reform move ment will have a site map of the pieces.

    Our internal feelings are that some thing like will come along, and Perot and Ventura will be known as the Pre-Reformers or the Faux-Reformers years from now.

    Our proposed up date is picture right below:


    (AND THE SITE HAS BEEN DOWN FOR THE WEEK END)******* America’s Reform orientated Organization (s)
    There are several Reform groups. We’d like to see them unite. Until then visit all websites for a complete review.

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