The Seventh Circuit will hear Gill v Scholz, 19-1125, on January 7, 2020, at 9:30 am. This is the case that challenges the Illinois 5% (of the last vote cast) petition requirement for independent candidates for U.S. House. In the U.S. District Court, one judge had enjoined the law and put the plaintiff on the ballot. But then the 7th circuit stayed that order, without explaining why.
After the election was over, the case was assigned to a different U.S. District Court judge, who upheld the law, even though no one has complied with it since 1974, unless one counts candidates who weren’t challenged and therefore were put on the ballot with no review of their petition.
How many UNEQUAL 14-1 cases since 1968 ???
Low thousands ???
How EVIL STUPID are so-called lawyers and judges ???
— getting their *law* licenses out of a trash dump.
5% seems too high, but the court has upheld it.