Spectrum Local News Story on New York Proposal to Toughen Definition of Political Party

Spectrum Local News, an on-line news source, has this story about the proposal to toughen the definition of “political party” in New York.  Most of the stories about this mostly talk to Working Families Party leaders.  This story has quotes from a Green Party leader.



Spectrum Local News Story on New York Proposal to Toughen Definition of Political Party — 6 Comments

  1. This is awful. Jay Jacobs is literally trying to make New York the most restrictive state for ballot access in the country. I’m really worried as a New Yorker.

  2. No. Not unless one wants to make the argument that if one goes back far enough in history, everyone on the planet is related.

    I am probably not related to anyone in this country with the last name Jacobs beyond my father and brother.

  3. It would be cool to be related to Glenn “Kane” Jacobs, but I do not think that I am, unless you go by the everyone on the planet is related line of thinking.

  4. ALL trolls/juveniles to a midnight meeting on the next Friday 13th —

    to compare notes and photos.

    END ALL minority rule gerrymander regimes- esp in New York.

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