New York Libertarian Party Press Release on Proposal to Eliminate Most Qualified Minor Parties

The New York Libertarian Party has issued this press release, criticizing the state Commission on Public Financing for proposing to eliminate all of the state’s ballot-qualified minor parties except for the Conservative Party.


New York Libertarian Party Press Release on Proposal to Eliminate Most Qualified Minor Parties — 4 Comments

  1. Do the minor parties in NY have ANY lawyers capable of detecting EQUAL in 14-1 AMDT ???


    the various ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander systems in NY ??? — esp in the NY state Senate [one of the major reasons the minor parties are being wiped out].

  2. Does a person have to qualify as a candidate before they can receive matching funds? Or can they use matching funds to help qualify?

  3. There is still a question I don’t see answered, is this retroactive? Would it extinguish existing third parties that qualified under the old rules?

    Another observation, the old rules permitted a party the opportunity to qualify for ballot status every four years only on the governor’s vote, these new rules say qualification (as well as for disqualification also apparently) can be made every two years now, one for the governor’s race and one for the presidential race.
    This would/could make a party qualified for two years, then not, then again, etc.
    Another problem is that they often don’t care to count all the votes once the election has been won, ignoring the scraps of votes that are immensely important for a third party to qualify.
    It has been estimated because of this, our gubernatorial candidate actually got closer to 300,000 votes than the 90,000 reported. We didn’t pursue it because we got ballot status, but that wouldn’t have been the case with the new rule change.

    This is really snafued up, we as a party worked decades to achieve ballot status, then on the very year we do achieve it, they change the rules on us.
    I think the change was directed more against the Libertarian party than anything else, the change occurred only after WE got ballot status, and never before, the other third parties have been around without it being changed before.

  4. The LP is a DANGER for the NY RED communist party
    — since the NY Elephants have been dying off since the USA Civil WAR I.

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