New York Statewide Independent Petition is Now 45,000 Signatures Instead of 15,000

The New York state Commission on Public Funding raised the number of signatures for a statewide independent, or for the nominee of an unqualified party, from 15,000 signatures to 45,000 signatures. Under the law that authorized the Commission to re-write election laws, the New York legislature had until December 22 to veto the work of the Commission. The legislature did not act. Therefore, the new petition requirement is now in effect.

A state court in Niagara County is currently considering whether the legislature exceeded its authority when it authorized the Commission to re-write election laws. A decision is expected any day now. That case is actually two cases, one filed by the Working Families Party and the other by the Conservative Party. They are being considered together.

The Commission also raised the vote test for the definition of qualified party from 50,000 votes for Governor, to the greater of 130,000 votes or 2% of the total vote cast, in each presidential and gubernatorial election. But that is not in effect until November 2020.


New York Statewide Independent Petition is Now 45,000 Signatures Instead of 15,000 — 12 Comments

  1. INSANITY. Terrible law. What makes this even worse is that they only allow around 6 weeks to gather the signatures. They should at least greatly expand the petition circulating period.

  2. Furthermore the petitions are due in May of the election year, a change made early in 2019. Before 2019 the deadline was in August.

  3. Who needs any elected State legislature with gerrymander hacks ???

    — just have appointed hacks doing whatever ???

    — even ONE Hack puppet Commissions appointed by Hack Guvs ???

    tax/spend laws
    criminal laws
    tort laws

    — ie a de facto ABSOLUTE MONARCHY ???

  4. Changing the deadline to May means that it could still be cold out, and quite possibly rainy, when tbe petitioning period starts.

    Somebody should file a lawsuit over this.

  5. How soon before the NY Ct Apps [NY SUPREME court] gets the mess ???

    Will even the left/right wing extremist gangs in New York detect the TYRANNY of the RED donkey communists in New York ???

    — and march / revolt for REAL Democracy ???

    Time to wake up RFG in USA Const 4-4 ??? >>>> NO monarch/oligarch regimes allowed in the USA — aka TYRANT infections.

    PR and Appv and TOTSOP

  6. Ugh. I know we are making real progress in ballot access, but sometimes I think “every time we qualify, they raise the bar.” It’s certainly that way with the presidential debates.

  7. This is DISGUSTING. The NYS Legislature isn’t even in session at the time of the Public Finance Commission’s deadline. How could they have stopped it unless they declared an emergency session? Regular session is from January to June.

  8. It is a good thing for the Libertarian Party that Larry Sharpe exceeded the vote test to gain party status in NY in 2018, or else the LP would have to comply with this new insane ballot access requirement in NY for 2020. Given that this new law also raises the vote test number, the next LP candidate for Governor of NY is less likely to meet the vote test requirement in 2022, which means that if this law does not get repealed, the LP will have to meet this insane requirement for 2024, or not be on the ballot in NY.

  9. Main purposes of NY RED communist machinations

    — DEFEAT the marginal few Elephant USA Reps and NY State Senators

    >>> TOTAL RED communist CONTROL in NY State.

    Same communist/fascist machination in other States.

    Folks all ready for USA Civil WAR II ???

    Communist vs Fascist States — See China 1927-1949, Germany 1929-1933, Spain 1931-1939, etc.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  10. @Andy,

    The vote test has to be met at every election.

    The Libertarians need to get 2% for president to qualify,

    If I were running the Independence Party I would nominate Bloomberg.

    The Working Families should run Warren or Sanders.

  11. @LC,

    The legislature never goes out of session so as to prevent recess appointments. Every 3rd day they meet. An assembly member from Albany leads the throng (herself, the secretary, and two bewildered tourists from Tajikistan) in the pledge of allegience. If there is a quorum they continue with the regular order of business, otherwise they will adjourn until the third day.

    Conceivably, renegades could seize control and demand a quorum call, and compel attendance.

    More likely the legislature will meet. A law will be proposed. An aide will whisper in a legislators ear. “We can pass a law? I never knew that,” the legislator will exclaim. The aide will explain that would not be a good idea because contribtors would object, while miming manipulating puppet strings for the amusement of the other aides. “Very good, can I have another bon bon” Another aide will hurry over with a box, while a 3rd helps him lift his flabby arm to his mouth.

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