Maine Republican Presidential Primary Ballot Will Only List President Donald Trump

The Maine Republican presidential primary ballot will only list President Donald Trump. All candidates needed 2,000 signatures of registered Republicans. No one else submitted a petition, not even William Weld. This shows how difficult the Maine petition requirement is for primary ballot access for statewide office.


Maine Republican Presidential Primary Ballot Will Only List President Donald Trump — 11 Comments

  1. How long do presidential primary candidates have to collect the 2,000 valid petition signatures?

  2. They couldn’t start until November 1, 2019, and had to submit the signatures to the town clerks by December 7, 2019.

  3. One more small pop TYRANT hack regime – like about 20 plus like State regimes.

    Abolish the EC and ALL prez primary machinations.

    PR and AppV and TOTSOP

  4. 5 weeks to get 2,000 valid petition signatures in a low population state during cold weather is not easy.

    Do Democrats have to fulfill the same requirement?

  5. Yes, but there are a lot more registered Democrats in Maine than there are registered Republicans.

  6. Yes, but there are a lot more registered Democrats in Maine than there are registered Republicans. Also Democrats tend to live in Portland, whereas Republicans tend to be more rural and therefore a petition drive in which only Republicans can sign is more difficult.

  7. Trump is a sitting US President. I bet he is having no problem getting his ballot access petition signatures in the states that have mandatory petition requirements for major party presidential primary candidates.

    I bet Trump is having a much easier time getting his petition signatures this time as compared to last time.

  8. @RW,

    I don’t see a requirement that petitions be filed with town clerks by December 7. They do have to be certified by the town clerks, and it is reccomended that individual petition sheets be used for each town.

    Maine has 22% more Democrats than Republicans. Petition gathering could begin as soon as the party certified that it would hold a primary. The deadline for certification was November 1.

    12 Democrats were able to complete their petition.

  9. Correction: Candidates had until December 23 to collect, verify, and turn-in signatures in Maine. Some Democratic candidates were paying as much as $15 per verified signature.

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