Kamala Harris Withdraws Name from All Democratic Presidential Primaries

U.S. Senator Kamala Harris has withdrawn her name from all Democratic presidential primary ballots, except for two states where the ballot was finalized before she withdrew from the race. Sometimes candidates in presidential primaries withdraw publicly, but don’t bother to do the paperwork to remove their names from ballots. But Harris did do the necessary paperwork.

By contrast, Mark Sanford withdrew publicly from the Republican race, but he didn’t bother to withdraw his name from the Michigan Republican primary ballot, even though Michigan has procedures for withdrawal.


Kamala Harris Withdraws Name from All Democratic Presidential Primaries — 5 Comments

  1. How many states allow for a candidate to withdraw their name from the ballot? NH only allows a candidate to withdraw prior to the end of candidate filing, unless the candidate later states they are not qualified for office, or the candidate dies.

  2. She is on the ballot in New Hampshire and Arkansas. In NH, she suspended her campaign after the filing deadline (and hence, will be on the ballot) and in AR, she suspended her campaign one day after the ballot certification deadline. Everywhere else she withdrew.

  3. I was just talking about the states in which the ballot was finalized in December. I wasn’t talking about the four states in which it was finalized in November.

  4. Harris made a big show of filing on the first day of filing in Texas (November 9).

    She did withdraw before the end of filing. Candidates may continue to withdraw but will appear on the ballot. Any votes they receive will be treated as invalid.

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