Tulsi Gabbard Sues Hillary Clinton for Slander for Saying She is a Russian Agent

On January 22, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard sued Hillary Clinton for saying on the air in October, 2019, that Gabbard is a “Russian agent.” The same interview with Hillary Clinton also suggested that Jill Stein was a Russian agent. The case is Gabbard v Clinton, 1:20cv-558. It has not yet been assigned to a judge. Here is the Complaint.


Tulsi Gabbard Sues Hillary Clinton for Slander for Saying She is a Russian Agent — 18 Comments

  1. “Gandalf Soprano” AKA Xaulie makes the above misogynist comment like the cyberpig he is.

  2. Gandalf is right, ignoring his past.

    First, even with Gabbard being a public figure, the phrase “Russian asset” would seem to be specific enough, and offered up as defamatory by Clinton that this might stand a chance.

    Second and OTOH, Gabbard’s vacuous suit against Google would be introducible by Clinton. And yes, Tulsi-stanners, it is vacuous. https://socraticgadfly.blogspot.com/2019/08/black-agenda-report-drinks-tulsi.html

    Third, the reality is that Tulsi arguably IS a tool of a foreign nation, if not a foreign leader by name. I’m of course talking about today’s Hindutva India. And, yes, stanners, she is a tool, and she is Hindutva. She’s also, in the US, in bed with neocons, pro nukes and many other things that Tulsi Kool-Aid drinkers won’t admit. Click the Tulsi tag on that post above and read away.

  3. How long has H. Clinton been a RED communist agent ???

    Day 1 of meeting Bill Clinton in the 1960s ???

  4. Egypt: Wrong. I’m an anti-Hindufascist, which is what Hindutva is about. Unless you can tell the truth about it, the RSS, and the BJP, I suggest keeping your mouth shut.

  5. You can’t assume people know what you’re talking about when discussing something so unknown without explaining. I’m glad you clarified but based purely on your initial comment it sounded like anti-Hindu bigotry. I now see it is not however.

  6. Many members of Congress are dual citizens with the overwhelming majority being US and Israeli.

  7. Const Lib, that is true, and do you notice how the same people freaking out over Tulsi seem to have no problem with that?

  8. Andy is obsessed with Jews and Israel as is milnes and Egyptian nut. I wonder if they are all the same person. Whoever he is, he’s wrong about who I am. Lots of people have pointed out over the years the insanity of his idea that tv reporters watch him masturbate to them through his tv set, encourage his jerking and lead to orgasms which cause time travel.

    Andy aka Robert milnes aka Egyptian nut also is wrong that the mud wrestling comment is misogynistic in nature. I would make the same comment about Adolf trump and the Biden’s regarding Ukraine.

    Lastly it is unfair of him to presume that people here are not aware of the bjp and hindufascism. It’s not an obscure subject globally. There are far more people in south Asia than in north America, and more people there than in Europe. What kind of ignoramus is completely unaware of what goes on there while obsessing like an Egyptian nut about the tiny nation of Israel?

  9. I was merely pointing out a fact, which, in light of the accusations against MS. Gabbard makes those pointing the finger at here look like hypocrites.

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