Ninth Circuit Stays its Own Decision in Arizona Case on Out-of-Precinct Provisional Ballots and Who Can Deliver Voted Absentee Ballots

On February 11, the Ninth Circuit stayed its own decision in Democratic National Committee v Hobbs, 18-15845. This is the case in which the Ninth Circuit struck down two Arizona election laws. One says that provisional ballots are automatically void unless they are submitted in the voter’s home precinct. The other sharply restricts who can deliver a voted absentee ballot to the elections administration office.

Arizona will ask the U.S. Supreme Court to hear its appeal. If the U.S. Supreme Court declines, then the stay will automatically be lifted. Thanks to Rick Hasen for this news.


Ninth Circuit Stays its Own Decision in Arizona Case on Out-of-Precinct Provisional Ballots and Who Can Deliver Voted Absentee Ballots — 1 Comment

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