Texas Primary Turnout was Only 25.2% of Registered Voters

Texas held its primaries for president and all other partisan office on March 3. According to this article, only 25.2% of registered voters cast a vote. By contrast, in the March 2016 primary, over 30% of registered voters voted.

Texas is the only state that won’t let primary voters sign for a new party or an independent candidate, if the voter voted in a primary. The low primary turnout will be somewhat helpful for minor party and independent candidate petitions this year.

The Libertarian and Green Parties are already on the Texas ballot.

Slightly more voters in 2020 voted in the Democratic primary than the Republican primary. Texas has an open primary. Any voter is free to choose any party’s primary ballot.


Texas Primary Turnout was Only 25.2% of Registered Voters — 3 Comments

  1. One more reason to

    ABOLISH extremist minority rule primaries –

    which nominate the monarchs later elected in gerrymander districts esp.


  2. Any voter is “free” to participate in the nominating activities of a single party.

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