Constitution Party Will Consider Alternatives to Traditional Presidential Convention

The Constitution Party national presidential convention is scheduled for St. Louis, April 29-May 2. But the city has banned public gatherings larger than 50 people. The national executive committee of the party will discuss how to proceed, at a meeting next week.


Constitution Party Will Consider Alternatives to Traditional Presidential Convention — 12 Comments

  1. I’m wondering if the Libertarian Party’s convention – scheduled over the last weekend in May – will be changed, too. Especially since I’ve been planning to go.

    It’s in Austin, Texas – for context.

  2. Gee, wouldn’t it be nice if the Constitution Party actually stood for the Constitution and argued in defense of the First Amendment’s protection of freedom of association? It is pretty obvious that what we are seeing is martial law disguised as quarantine.

  3. Yeah, it’s pretty disgusting how they are playing into the democrats latest virus hoax. What next, are they going to play into the Russia hoax or the impeachment hoax? Stop watching the fake news and acting like a bunch of deep state liberals. It’s time to realize we have always been at war with eastasia and keep America great again by going to work even if you feel sick. Remember, the fake virus will magically disappear in April, most likely well before the 29th.

  4. This virus is God’s way of saying keep out of Austin. Austin is an awful city full of bums, crack whores, illegals, and smug liberals. This is a blessing in disguise.

  5. Austin in late May is a terrible place for a convention. No wonder the party is failing.
    The Michigan party cancelled their convention as I understand it the state chair did it on his own so the people couldn’t elect new officers. Sounds shady to me.

  6. Why are people talking about Austin when the convention is in st Louis? Granted both are full of red commie libtards.

  7. Also it’s late April not late May. Not that it matters since the whole hyped up virus scare will be done before either one.

  8. Deep inside my heart
    I know I can’t escape
    Oh, Mama, can this really be the end?
    To be stuck inside of Austin with the St. Louis blues again

  9. I’m not sure; with the shape that the national CP is in -I don’t think they will have a problem with following the no-more-than-50-people rule. :3

    *BA-DUM, TISS!*

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