U.S. District Court in Michigan Denies State Request to Amend Ballot Access Win on Independent Petition Requirement

On March 19, U.S. District Court Judge Victoria Roberts refused to amend her decision in Graveline v Johnson, 2:18cv-12354. See her order here. She had earlier struck down the Michigan law requiring statewide independent candidates to collect 30,000 signatures. The state had asked her to amend her order, but she refused.


U.S. District Court in Michigan Denies State Request to Amend Ballot Access Win on Independent Petition Requirement — 2 Comments

  1. Govt HACKS always trying to get past the next election – regardless of ALL constitutions.

    NEVER enough jail cells for such HACKS.


  2. Elephants control both houses of Mich Legis.

    >>> likely NO law to comply with court op/orders

    UNLESS immediate action.

    Thus — likely court order will control ballot access for independents.

    Took about 12 years (and many court cases in 1976-1988) to enact the uncon olde ballot access section.

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