Montana Republican Party Says it Hired Paid Petitioners for 2020 Green Party Petition

On March 24, Montana Republican Party officials said they had hired paid circulators to get the Green Party on the ballot earlier this year. The party says the effort cost $100,000. See this story.


Montana Republican Party Says it Hired Paid Petitioners for 2020 Green Party Petition — 7 Comments

  1. Divide and Conquer.

    Get/Stay in POWER by ALL means possible —

    esp in ANTI-Democracy minority rule gerrymander regimes —

    IE almost ALL regimes on Mother Earth.

    RED Donkey communists helping the LP get on ballots ???

    Equal Nom Pets

  2. Maybe this will inspire the Democrat party to hire paid petitioners to help the Libertarian Party get on ballots where they aren’t yet qualified.

  3. Sorry for the typo. I had drops in my eyes. It should read, “Can’t the Montana state party disown them like they did in Hawaii?”

  4. The Montana Green Party does not want to disown the petition. It just would rather not have any candidate for U.S. Senate. But the party certainly wants to be a qualified party so as to be on for president.

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