
Congressman Justin Amash Is Still Considering Running for President — 74 Comments

  1. In 1924, Robert La Follette didn’t announce as an independent progressive candidate for president until July 4, 1924.

    In 2016, Evan McMullin didn’t announce until August 8, 2016. He still managed to poll 731,733, which is a bigger total than any LP presidential candidate except Ed Clark and Gary Johnson.

    Early petition deadlines are unconstitutional.

  2. Oh geez! I like Sharpe but I am not a fan of Gray. I would rather see Sharpe run and Gray not be in the race.

  3. ANY candidate or so-called lawyer or so-called judge able to detect EQUAL in 14-1 Amdt ???

  4. I was liking John Monds before Gray and Sharpe threw their hat into the ring. Supreme will reinforce the idea that the LP is a joke even if he is a good candidate and will probably get a decent amount of votes, and Hornberger will lead us back to the sub 1% results as he doesn’t have a message for the left which is the largest group up for grabs currently. We will again be seen as a subset of conservatism, like the 90s and early 00s, rather than completely separate. We can’t go back to the days when we use the nomination as a purity test to see who is the most extreme Libertarian. For me its a simple formula of (the number of people able to hear the message) x (the quality of the message) and at this point Gray/Sharpe is hands down the best ticket to achieve that. For a person with admittedly non-Libertarian views (nativism) I don’t get why so many seek to be gatekeepers

  5. Justin Amash is taking a statist position on Twitter right now, arguing the federal government cannot order states to uphold individual rights, which is what stay-at-home and shelter-in-place orders violate. Is Amash aware that the bill of rights applies to the states by virtue of the 14th amendment?

  6. WS –
    1-8 AMDTS on States via 14 AMDT PI cl —

    NO effect on 10 AMDT.

    Worse and worse SCOTUS perversions of general welfare 1-8-1 and inter-state commerce 1-8-3 attacking States [which are NATION-STATES — 1776 DOI last para, Art VII – 9 States creating 1787 USA Const] and 10 AMDT.

    USA govt regime is a FEDERAL govt — NOT a *national* govt.

  7. William Saturn is right. The dempanic aka coronavirus hoax is a national emergency. We are at war with red China, the deep state, the fake news media, liberals, democrats, illegal invaders, foreigners of all kinds, and anyone who stands against our God Emperor in this time of crisis. Anyone who does should be deported or shot. Or declared an enemy combatant and treated accordingly.

    Justin amash is putting himself on the side of the enemy by helping stand in the way of the President doing what he must to urgently restart the economy. Like any state or local official, judge, bureaucrat or cop who is on the side of the enemy or anyone spreading enemy propaganda and fake news he should be given no quarter. All of those must be shut down right now under martial law, brought before military tribunals or taken to black ops sites for enhanced reeducation.

    It’s just what you do in a war. You are either on the side of the President and our country or the side of the enemy. There is no middle ground. Either follow the commander in chief’s orders, get back to work and make America great again or get treated as the traitor you are.

  8. One just has to wonder just how many comments above are greatly alcohol enhanced.

  9. I’m drinking every last bit of hand sanitizer I can find. I consider it to be my patriotic duty to keep it out of the hands of those who are falling for the Chinese virus hoax.

  10. It’s best to do it right in front of them while educating them about this foreign virus hoax and preaching the holy gospel of our Lord and Savior President Trump.

  11. Trump is our century’s Herbert Hoover. Joe Biden will be its FDR, although Sanders or Warren would have been even better.

  12. True. Trump is the individual whose rights trump states rights. State emergency declarations have no place in a national economic crisis created by our foreign enemies and their traitorous American collaborators.

  13. That’s just a bunch of blatant trumpery. Look it up folks.

  14. AN words and phrases — change them a bit from 1939-1945 nazi Germany to 2020 USA.

    Sample –

    You are either on the side of the Fuhrer [Hitler] and our country [nazi Germany] or the side of the enemy.

    ALWAYS some MORONS who LOVE lawless killer tyrants ???

    How many DEAD so far due to tyrant trump orders – esp in the Middle East in UN-declared wars ???

  15. OMG OMG! Trump is a dictator for trying to restore individual rights! Let’s elect a Libertarian like Justin Amash so the states can have the right to keep us in our houses forever!

  16. Only an idiot or traitor would compare our great nation to Nazi Germany or our perfect President to a loser like Hitler. Get a grip.


    Lawsuit alleges Whitmer’s ‘abusive’ order is ‘taking’ with no compensation
    Beth LeBlanc, The Detroit News Published 2:20 p.m. ET April 14, 2020

    Four Michigan residents — three from Oakland County and one from Roscommon County — have filed a federal lawsuit against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer over the impact of her executive orders on business, the use of privately owned property as well as the ability to associate with family and friends. 

    Are USA / State Consts DEAD ??? Stay tuned – regardless of all MORONS who love lawless tyrants.

  18. Amash is an independent but regardless of his label local officials have always had the power to declare emergencies. When did trump discover that this violates individual rights? It must have been very recently since he repeatedly said it was up to states just weeks ago.

    There’s probably some room between keeping everyone in their houses forever on one hand and forcing everyone out too fast against the judgement of those closer to their local situation and triggering a much bigger second wave. There is room for cautious optimism we may have reached a peak in the first one, although not in all states yet. But evidence from other areas which peaked is that the way down is much slower than the way up.

    Supposing you trigger a bigger second wave since it start from a higher starting point than the first one, it takes weeks before the numbers catch up with infections. At that point the problem for both public health and the economy will be much, much worse. It would then take either a second, even longer lockdown, or a massive overwhelming of hospitals and morgues, funeral homes, cemeteries, etc. Maybe both.

    Trump would not know individual rights if they bit him on the nose. You can look at his views on anything from immigration and trade to torture to eminent domain for that. He’s eager to start the economy sooner because he thinks it will help him win another term. Of course if it does massively backfire if he does that, he’ll have grounds to declare a full national emergency and maybe suspend the election. Let’s see how much he cares about individual rights then. We may found out.

  19. Trump knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s smarter than all experts, all governors, anyone in fake news, any foreign leader, smarter and more perfect than anyone alive now or any time in the past. In fact he is more wise and perfect than all of them put together. Like, by a lot. Put all your faith in him and he will lead us to the promised kingdom of heaven on earth. Amen.

  20. Folks will be seeing how *perfect* tyrant trump was in Jan-Apr 2020 about cv19 in a ZILLION tv attack ads in Aug -Nov 2020 —

    ALL his know-it-all raving MORON comments.

    olde book-

    How to be a Dictator by Frank Dikotter — 1900s killer dictators, personality cults — stooge followers.

    New dictators crop in 2000s –
    trump, putin, xi, NK killer, Iran killer, etc. — same olde personality cults — stooge followers.

  21. He’s not even close to democrat. Trump is much more for tax, borrow and spend than amash. Of course Biden, Sanders, aoc and the rest of those are more like trump in that regard.

  22. Also amash is an anti abortion extremist so he definitely doesn’t fit in with democrats and also is closer to cp than lp that way.

  23. Most politicians have malleable views. Amash doesn’t have a voting record supporting fair trade, restricting immigration, or opposing same sex marriage. On those issues in particular he is much more in line with the Democratic Party than the Constitution Party.

  24. I just checked out Justin Amash on the OnTheIssues site. He is NOT an “open borders” leftist. He opposes illegal immigration. He does support productive people coming into the country legally. I will have to do a “deep dive” into Amash’s stance and record on this and other issues.

  25. “Nathan” and “American National” are likely both trolls, probably Paul amd whatever troll center with which he is working.

    What happened to the “Ed Ng” character?

  26. What did Amash do to stop the $2.2 trillion bill? Nothing. Massie was the only one to take a stand.

  27. Yeah, the one immigration quote from Amash on that site was from several years ago.

  28. Did Amash vote against that bailout, or say anything against it? I know Ran Paul opposed it in the Senate?

  29. It was a unanimous consent vote and he did nothing to stop it and he could’ve. He let it go through.

    Also, he impeached the president over the holdup of foreign aid to Ukraine. He sided with the Democrats and neocons who think other countries have a right to our money.

  30. How could tbe bailout bill have been unanimous consent if Thomas Massie opposed it? I heard that Rand Paul also opposed it.

    I agree with you on the impeachment. The charges that the Dems went after Trump for were laughable. The Dems could not go after Trump on anything legitimate, because they are guilty of the same things, or worse, themselves. Amash should have taken a more principled stand on that rather than reoeating Democrat talking points.

    Lew Rockwell said he think Thomas Massie is better than Justin Amash. He is probably correct.

  31. another amdt section —

    legis bodies meet in person, by written proxy or electronically.

  32. BAD loans private and public 1914-1929 >>> 1929-1941 Great Depression I

    BAD loans private and public 1993-2007 >>> 2007-2012 Great Depression II

    ULTRA BAD loans public 1929-2020 — esp since senile Reagan in 1982 >>> 2020-XXXX Great Depression III

    STATIST econ MORONS [COMMUNISTS/FASCISTS] think they can borrow and inflate to prosperity — AFTER BEING BRAINWASHED BY THE ECON SUPER MORON J.M KEYNES IN 1914-1936.






  33. Why does MORON Demo Rep insist on talking to himself, with multiple comments in a row? He needs therapy.

  34. How many statist shill morons/trolls in addition to the pre-skooool wise-ass PUNK parrotts are on BAN ???

    BAN ALL trolls/parrotts OFF BAN.

  35. I’m not a troll Andy. No idea why you think that. I guess you’re paranoid, but I’m not a psychiatrist. You should probably see one though. Might do you some good.

    Amash did threaten to hold up unanimous consent. I don’t know why he did not follow through. In Ukraine the issue was not that other countries are entitled to our money or not. The money had been approved by congress and trump was acting like a corrupt dictator in conditioning it on investigating his us political opponents and obstructing congressional oversight and investigating authority. That is textbook exactly what impeachment clause was written for. Had trump opposed foreign aid on principle he should have vetoed it, along with all the other foreign aid bills he signs regularly. That’s not even close to what happened.

  36. I will agree though, the democrats did fall short in not bringing forth a lot of other articles of impeachment they should have, and in not continuing to bring additional investigations and articles even though the senate is a kangaroo court. They had to push it to articles because at one point the phony excuse to withhold evidence, witnesses and documents was that if they were serious they would impeach. In addition to the fact that the evidence was overwhelming and it was their duty, even if the Senate refused to hear it and even if it hurt them politically.

  37. I guess massie like amash or anyone else was issuing hollow threats and could not stop unanimous consent in reality or I should say chose not to.

  38. Is Trump calling for the impeachment of the SCOTUS hacks and their nonstop destruction of the States since the Civil War — their many subversions/perversions of the 1-8 general welfare and inter-state commerce cls [ ie near total destruction of the 10th Amdt] ???

  39. I forgot to say above money was approved by congress and signed into law by trump. So he was not using his constitutional veto authority on corruptly and surreptitiously trying to tie the said he had signed off on to political favors for himself. If the concern had been corruption in Ukraine more widely he would have done it publicly from the beginning and not tied to one company and Biden. But he has shown complete disinterest in corruption in Ukraine or anywhere else aside from this. In fact since his acquittal and even while his impeachment was happening his pal Giuliani has been working with what are widely called some of the most corrupt former officials in Ukraine to dig up or concoct more Biden evidence.

  40. It’s time to open the country up when the President says. Period end of story. That’s reality so deal with it. Trump is crushing it big time. He has been a perfect 10 if not an 11 in his response to the Chinese virus hoax just like the Ukraine hoax and the Russia hoax. We have it completely contained just like he said. Soon, millions of stimulus checks with President Trump’s personal signature will hit mailboxes. Every single one of those people will be grateful for the personal generosity and if they were not already Trump fans they now will be.

    It all worked out for the good in the end. The economy will come roaring back to life bigger and better than ever and we will keep America great with an even bigger and better second term. Then we will crown Trump emperor and keep making it greater and greater for thousands of years.

    Pay no attention to foreign troll Andy the fake Egyptian god. He needs to take his sorry foreign ass back to Egypt, China, Iran or whatever craphole he’s from. Along with all the rest of the foreigners. This is America, pal. And don’t you forget it.

  41. Still here Andy, and still just me, not a character or anyone else. I just got tired of wasting time engaging your Nonsense. There are plenty of other things to do which are a better use of time. Speaking of which don’t you have anything better to do? Get a life maybe? Or maybe this really is your job. Oh well I don’t care. Keep churning that butter.

  42. Sure if you want the virus to start growing exponentially again like before lockdown. Best scientific estimates around 2 million deaths in the USA alone. Or maybe more, longer and more draconian lockdowns at that point. If it’s not too late by then. The numbers are as low as they are only because of the measures which were taken and as high as they are only because trump, fox et al delayed and confused the response. They made the USA number one… In cases and deaths. But hey we’re number one! Go team! Now they will make sure we’re in a league of our own by bringing on a second and much bigger wave of infections. Evidence is starting to show corona does not take a summer break like flu. Even if it does what happens this fall?

  43. I’m not into posting under fake names. I’ve also never been into trolling. Trolling to me is stupid. I also have a low opinion of people who troll online for pay (as in for a government entity, or a group working to influence government policy).

  44. Sure, Andy the fake Egyptian god, sure. It’s touching that you have a low opinion of yourself as well you should. There is only one way out of your misery. I know what you are thinking, but no, I don’t mean suicide that would just land you in hell suffering unimaginable torture for eternity. Not that you don’t deserve it, but our Lord Donald Trump is all merciful as well as all wise and all knowing. All you have to do is get on your knees, beg his forgiveness and accept him as your lord and savior. I have faith you can do it, even if you don’t. Do it now while you still can. Once you are in hell that opportunity will be gone and you will regret it but there will be nothing more you can do.

  45. You’re hiding behind a fake name “Egyptian god” and as for Andy there are a million of them out there so that means jack crap. If that’s even your real first name. Anyway what does it matter, whose name is what? The only name that matters is our Lord and savior Donald Trump, blessed be his name. Your hypocrisy about names isn’t the point. Focus on asking the President into your heart and seeking his forgiveness before it’s too late. Or getting out of our country, whichever comes first. Everything else is besides the point, period. Got it jack? Or Andy or Bob or Chad or whatever your real name is. Probably more like Mohammed or Chung but either way it’s of zero importance.

  46. You are a fake nationalist. You reverted to Vernon Frankel. Take your medication! If you cared so much about Trump, you’d be watching his press conference instead of on here.

  47. I have no idea of who Vernon Finkel is and you are the one who needs to take your medication Andy the fake Egyptian god. And I’m as real as they get. I watch the press conference every chance I get. And record them to watch them again and again. I bet you are all of the fake names here or at least a lot of them Andy the fake foreign god. Really you should go back to whatever craphole country you’re from if you know what’s good for you. If you don’t you will find out soon enough, believe me.

  48. How dare you say I’m that crazy trump worshipping nutcase? The gall! You are insulting and out of line and owe me an apology. How dare you!

  49. How’s them apples, from the criminal in chief.

  50. The people (or person) who keep(s) calling me a troll sound(s) a lot more like troll(s) themselves (or himself). No idea why he or they think I’m someone else or that there’s something dishonest or outlandish about my comments.

  51. Well then tell us a little bit about yourself, Nathan. Which state LP affiliate are you a mrmber of? b

  52. I’m an independent. Why would you think I’m a member of a state l.p. ? I don’t agree with much of their ideology. And even if I did I’m not much of a joiner. I actually think political parties are a bad idea in general. I prefer people and politicians who think for themselves. Amash, incidentally, wrote a great piece about that when he left the republican party. You should read it.

    Why would you think I’m a state l.p.member? Very strange question.

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