U.S. District Court Hears Case over Electronic Signatures for Initiatives

On April 14, U.S. District Court Judge Dominic Lanza, a Trump appointee, heard Arizonans for Fair Elections v Hobbs, 2:20cv-658.  This case was filed by groups supporting various statewide initiatives.  They argue that they should be allowed to collect electronic signatures.

The Arizona Republican Party and the Arizona Free Enterprise Club filed amici briefs arguing against the initiative proponents.

Here is a newspaper story about the hearing.


U.S. District Court Hears Case over Electronic Signatures for Initiatives — 1 Comment

  1. We don’t know how long COVID or the next virus will affect society. For citizen movements not to be allowed to join virtually, using electronic signatures is tantamount to saying Americans have to give up their First Amendment Right to Assemble (as still possible) to affect democracy.

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